CASE #1: THE CASE OF PIA MYLO CASE BACKGROUND  The victim was discovered dead in her classroom by a student coming late for extra-help in science.


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Presentation transcript:


CASE BACKGROUND  The victim was discovered dead in her classroom by a student coming late for extra-help in science.

CASE BACKGROUND  Mrs. Mylo had been working in the lab on a metal analysis experiment.  The student told investigators first on the scene that Mrs. Mylo was a bit of ‘spaz’ and had a million things on the go.

CASE BACKGROUND - EVIDENCE  She had recently begun a new health kick and told her class that she was eating healthier, taking various body health enhancers from the local health food store.  However she was experiencing some heart burn from all of the organic foods she was eating and would sometimes have to take an antacid to settle her stomach.

CASE BACKGROUND - EVIDENCE  Further, she was doing some renovations at her house and trying to get her Christmas baking done in time for an upcoming cookie exchange.

► Paramedics at the scene determined that the death was due to some sort of allergic reaction or overdose of one of the mysterious powders found on the scene. CASE BACKGROUND – CAUSE OF DEATH

YOUR MISSION  You will be given five powders found at both Ms. Mylo’s home and at the crime scene, one of which is the murderous unknown substance found in her body. Vitamin C Alka-Seltzer Plaster of Paris Baking Soda Corn Starch

YOUR MISSION  Your job is to identify the unknown substance by completing at least three tests per substance.  You will be given two periods to plan and conduct your experiment  Day 1 – Planning Period  Day 2 – Conduct the Experiment

THE INVESTIGATION  Identify the purpose and nature of the problem  Review and assess options for different experiments that you have learned about over the course of this unit  Consider and perhaps, try different methods

YOUR TOOLS  You will be given the following:  Equipment from lab benches  Materials in the science lab  A standard CSI forensic investigation chart to be filled out is attached.

THE INVESTIGATION PROCESS: TESTABLE QUESTION  An investigative question should begin with: - Does? - What if? - I wonder…- How come? - How can?  This will be initialed by me before you begin performing the experiment

THE INVESTIGATION PROCESS: PROCEDURE  Create a series of steps that when repeated, can be followed to yield similar results  Do not leave anything to the imagination. Provide an instruction for yourself in what you need to do and how you need to do it  Number your procedure  This should be initialed by me before you begin performing the experiment

THE INVESTIGATION PROCESS: MATERIALS  Document the consumables (chemicals) that you are using  Document the non-consumables (lab equipment) that you are using

THE INVESTIGATION PROCESS: CONDUCT THE EXPERIMENT  Using your approved procedure (initialed by me, the teacher), follow your steps  Perform your experiment. Make any modifications if necessary.

THE INVESTIGATION PROCESS: OBSERVATION  Create an observation table that includes measurements you have made and any other relevant information  Consider how you want to structure the information or results that you are gathering

THE INVESTIGATION PROCESS: ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION 1. What is the chemical formula and the structural formula for the unknown substance? 2. Is the compound ionic or molecular? How are you able to tell? If you are not able to tell, what simple tests could you suggest that forensics do in order to determine this? 3. Is the unknown substance acidic or basic? How are you able to tell?

THE INVESTIGATION PROCESS: ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION How could this substance have resulted in the death 4. How could this substance have resulted in the death of Mrs. Mylo? of Mrs. Mylo? 5. What are some of the benefits of this substance? Explain these benefits. Explain these benefits. 6. Connect chemical effects of the unknown substance to the cause of death. to the cause of death.