Aug 6, 2015 WFP Committee Data Summary DRAFT
The alternative workforce development pipeline charts were updated with data received in May and June of 2015 DRAFT
The question for the employers remains, was there sufficient supply for their 2015 hiring cycle? This picture reflects the latest 2015 reports (8/03). The employers are committed to this hiring (220) The educators have provided graduate information, but not by program. Educators stopped reporting students in the education pathway. Graduate numbers increased dramatically (NPC?). Hiring data is starting to come in, from educators and employers. Is 34 right? DRAFT
Here are the supporting charts; updated 08/03/2015 DRAFT
The additional detail within each process step The question for the employers is… are the certificates REALLY important and a pre-hire requirement? Will they give the students special treatment/consideration in the pre-hire process? DRAFT
So, what are the actions to be taken in response to the data currently in the WFP-WFD system and to shore up our sustainment deliverables? Data accuracy and timeliness continues to be a challenge in the ASC-GIEC. The information appeared to indicate there would not be sufficient qualified graduates to fill the employer’s needs. Was there a shortage? Is the 2015 hiring cycle over? If not, are the employers signed up and using the GIE Jobs Registration web site? A quarterly follow up action for employers and colleges (AEWC work?!) is to retrieve/update the Supply and Demand data. We need to work to complete the WFP Committee action items; I.e. procedure/tool kit, excel workbook, related tools (for scaling and sustainment purposes) DRAFT
Data sheets have been built for all the demand needs and programs posted for 2015 There’s been very limited progress to date I have 2 forms returned from EMCC and PVNGS (however, they don’t align with drop box detail) All current data in drop box (3/24) is included in this summary Supply data sheets have been sent to all the employers, specific to their demand needs to alleviate the impact of poor educator data reporting DRAFT
Equal Opportunity Employer/ Program Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. ASC-GIEC programs and services are funded by a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. Program materials were created by the grantee and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Labor. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License. Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License