Open Access and the Research Excellence Framework
Research Excellence Framework
What is Open Access? ) Unrestricted access (and re-use) of research outputs particularly journal articles and conference papers from publicly funded research. Gold (paid for) - article is immediately freely available. Payment of a fee or ‘Article Processing Charge’ (APC) Green ('free’) Deposit (usually accepted final version) in online repository. Usually an embargo period. University direction - go Green (‘free’) wherever possible
Research Excellence Framework (REF) Policy on Open Access ) Articles and conference proceedings accepted for publication from 1 st April 2016 Limited exemptions Credit in ‘environmental component’ for making other outputs open access
REF Eligibility – Start Now Author Responsibility ‘Final peer-reviewed manuscripts must have been deposited in an institutional or subject repository on acceptance for publication’ Within 3 months of the date of acceptance. We MUST evidence itis in orepository – ItMAY be closed depositWe MUST evidence itis in orepository – ItMAY be closed deposit
REF Eligibility – Start Now Library AND ‘made open-access within a specified time period’ Accept embargo of 12 months for science, technology and medicine and 24 months for arts and social sciences We MUST evidence itis in orepository – ItMAY be closed depositWe MUST evidence itis in orepository – ItMAY be closed deposit
EPSRC 1 st May 2015: Journal articles, conference proceedings Page charges, supplements Past or current grants or studentships Funds for Open Access
EPSRC 1 st May 2015: Journal articles Conference proceedings Past or current grants or studentships Page charges, supplements Funds for Open Access - Charities Open Access Fund (COAF) x x
Other ‘Funds' for Open Access
All papers should include acknowledgement of the funding that supported the research. Recommended format ‘[This work was supported by the xx Research Council [grant number xxx]' When RCUK or COAF funds are used to pay for open access, they require a CC-BY licence Funder Acknowledgement and Licensing
Enlighten Record
What do researchers need to do? As soon papers are accepted ensure they are added to Enlighten via local procedures or notify INCLUDE THE FINAL ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT DON’T AGREE TO PAY IF YOU DON’T HAVE £
What does the Library do? Check funder requirements Check the publisher copyright policy Advise author on open access options Pay the open access cost from RCUK or COAF funds if appropriate Deposit Accepted Final Manuscript into Enlighten and release after embargo
Open Access Research Data Management Papers should also include a statement on how the underlying research materials - such as data, samples or models – can be accessed. It is not necessary that the data itself be openly accessible if there are compelling reasons against this
Grant application advice and support –Help with writing Data management plans –Costing storage –Can sometimes include administrative time Storage of data if you need it University Data Registry –Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for your dataset –Compliance with funders’ requirements –Publicity for your research! Any other data management advice – Please ask! Open Access Research Data Management Service
Managing Your Research Data March 2016 Data Management Planning 26 th January 2015 Book via Employee and Organisational Development Service Training
What MUST staff do? A.As soon as papers are accepted ensure they are added to Enlighten via local procedures or notify research- Include a copy of the manuscript noting if it is final agreed text or subject to final amendmentsresearch- B.Add funder name/s and funder award reference/s to papers C.Add a statement on how to access underlying research materials to paper D.Create a data management plan for new applications and awards E.Store final datasets
Help Website Creative Commons Licences Create Data Management Plan Charities Open Access Fund us/Policy/Spotlight-issues/Open- access/Charity-open-access-fund/ RCUK Open Access Policy REF 407/ REF OA FAQ / Useful Links