SQL PROGRAMMING AND THE EXTERNAL MODEL Fact of the Week: According to the 2010 outlook from the BLS 286,600 new Computer, Network, and Database administrator jobs will be added in the next decade.
Learning Objectives Understand the rationale and purpose of SQL programming Understand and explain the external data model Learn how to create views, stored procedures, and functions Learn how to perform program flow control in T- SQL
Where are we?
Internal –vs- External Data Models Optimal design for storing data Complex & atomic in nature Implemented with Tables, keys, constraints Mimics user functionality Abstracted & simplified in nature Implemented with views, stored procedures, functions INTERNALEXTERNAL
Let’s explore the external data model and T-SQL programming by example. Fudge Fictitious Credit Union
Basic Data Model (Internal Model)
FFCU – Uber-Simplified User Stories 1. When a person signs up, then they become a new customer. All new customers have an opening balance in their savings account. 2. A customer can deposit funds into their account. 3. A customer can withdrawal funds from their account 4. A customer can have view balances their 2 types of accounts, Checking and Savings 5. A customer can transfer funds between their accounts. (checking to savings and vice-versa)
External Model p_signup – sign a user up for an account p_deposit – deposit funds into user’s account p_withdrawl – take out funds from a user’s account p_transfer – transfer funds from one user account to another v_myaccounts – show balances for the user’s account
p_signup INSERT INTO Customers... INSERT INTO Accounts… (Savings with initial starting amount) INSERT INTO Accounts… (Checking)
p_transfer UPDATE Accounts… (Remove amount from account) UPDATE Accounts… (Add amount to account)
v_myaccounts Show detailed account information for Customer, Account(s), and Type(s) of Accounts.