Goals for the Unit and the Weekly Essential Questions Unit Goals: ●Students will be able to analyze and create Modernist texts that utilize new methods of authentic communication. ●Students will be able to analyze a text individually, in small groups, and as a whole class. Essential Question for the Week: ●How do you retain control and individuality in a world that tries to make you all feel powerless? ●How can you avoid Jay Gatsby’s fate?
23 March 2015 To-Do List PULL OUT your alternative reading material. We will begin with Alternative Reading Time. ●Finish Group Selfie Activity for The Great Gatsby ●Begin sharing groups’ selfies up on the SmartBoard. ○Discuss the idea of unreliability in The Great Gatsby. Homework:
The Great Gatsby Group Selfie Ex. Camera below the subject
The Great Gatsby Group Selfie Ex. Camera above the subject
The Great Gatsby Group Selfie Ex. Canted camera angle
The Great Gatsby Group Selfie Ex. Layering using background
The Great Gatsby Group Selfie ●Each of your group members will portray one character from this chapter in the group selfie: ○Nick, Tom, Daisy, or Jordan ●Your group must select 4 quotes from Ch. 1 to support how and where you posed each character in the group selfie. ●Think about the angle of the pic and what that suggests to the viewer too!
The Great Gatsby Group Selfie ●Turn in: ○A texted picture of your group selfie to me at ○A Google Document for your group that explains: ■EACH quote you selected (How did you portray that quote in your pic?). ■Why you shot the pic the way your group did (angle, color, placement of characters, etc.). ○Drop your group’s Google Document in the class folder called “Group Selfies.”
24 March 2015 To-Do List PULL OUT your laptops and log in to Google Drive. ●Finish working on Selfie activity in class -- All components of the activity are due by FRIDAY! ●ACT Newsflash: Go over the “Sentence Topic/Comment” Practice Guide. Extend into “Sentence Topic/Comment” Practice Guide #2. Homework : ●Complete the “Sentence Topic/Comment” Practice Guide #2. DUE THURSDAY! ●Be working on your Ch. 2 Organizer for F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby! DUE THURSDAY!
25 March 2015 To-Do List -- 1st Period Take out a pen or pencil and prepare for a quiz. ●Quiz: Ch. 2 of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby ●ACT Newsflash Continued: Extend into “Sentence Topic/Comment” Practice Guide #2. ●Work on Ch. 2 Organizers for The Great Gatsby in class! Homework ●Complete the “Sentence Topic/Comment” Practice Guide #2. DUE TOMORROW! ●Complete the Ch. 2 Organizer for The Great Gatsby. I will be checking them BEFORE THE DISCUSSION TOMORROW!
25 March 2015 To-Do List -- 2nd Period PULL OUT your alternative reading material. We will begin with Alternative Reading Time. ●ACT Newsflash Continued: Extend into “Sentence Topic/Comment” Practice Guide #2. ●Work on Ch. 2 Organizers for F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby in class! Homework ●Complete the “Sentence Topic/Comment” Practice Guide #2. DUE TOMORROW! ●Complete the Ch. 2 Organizer for The Great Gatsby. I will be checking them BEFORE THE DISCUSSION TOMORROW!
26 March 2015 To-Do List “Sentence Topic/Comment” Practice Guide #2 DUE TODAY! Have the Practice Guide #2 out on your desk with your alternative reading material! ●Go over guidelines for the “Perception and Reality” research paper in this unit. ○Review research methods for students. ○Activity: Choose topics for paper. Homework ● Finish the “Research Interest Inventory” sheet and brainstorm your topic! ○Post your chosen topic to the “Topic” doc in the class Google Drive folder! ○If you are having trouble choosing a topic, even with the “Research Interest Inventory,” talk to me in class or ME OVER THE BREAK! ● Begin researching your topic for the “Perception and Reality” research paper!
27 March 2015 To-Do List PULL OUT your alternative reading material. We will begin with Alternative Reading Time. ●Quick Topic Discussion ●Compare and Contrast the Book and Film ○The Great Gatsby (2013 film) Homework ●Continue brainstorming your topic for the research paper! YOU SHOULD HAVE A GOOD IDEA OF THE TOPIC YOU WANT TO WRITE ABOUT WHEN WE COME BACK! ○If you know your topic, post it beside your name on “Topics” sheet in the class folder!! ●Begin researching your topic for your “Perception and Reality” Paper. Be thinking about a stance/thesis statement you want to take on your topic. ●Ch. 3 OF THE GREAT GATSBY SHOULD BE READ BY TUESDAY ! KEEP THIS IN MIND OVER THE BREAK!