Key Achievements of IPPE - I Participatory Planning completed in about 93,500 GPs About 250,000 block planning team members trained from among youth from MGNREGS workers families and MGNREGS functionaries. More than 1.5 Crore vulnerable households reached individually and their demand projections and work priorities collected through structured survey format Compared to previous years, the new works planned in (for ) has far greater focus on agriculture
Key Aspects of IPPE for Enhancing overall Livelihood Focus Focusing on the livelihoods of the poorest households in each village identified based on the SECC database. Those who are automatically included Those who are affected by 4 or more deprivation indicators The IPPE-II would be a joint exercise of MGNREGA and NRLM/SRLM machineries, assisted by CSOs and line departments. Of the 2,500 Blocks, Blocks with substantial SHG presence will be monitored by NRLM/SRLMs In the Blocks which are resource Blocks or Intensive Blocks or Partnership Blocks or MKSP Blocks under NRLM, all the resource persons for the livelihood plan preparation will be provided by the SRLM concerned. In the Blocks which are not covered by (a) above, the SRLM will place livelihood specialists for training the BPTs in preparing the livelihood plans.
Activities in IPPE to identify works for The community and infrastructure works already existing in the shelf of projects will be rechecked, and works which are not of use to the rural poor or to the community will be deleted. Such works that are needed by the poorest mohallas/tolas in the village will be added. New works will be identified to implement the livelihood plans of the poorest households identified during the IPPE. These works may be funded from MGNREGA if they are permissible works under the Act. If any work or a component of a work required for the livelihoods cannot be funded from the MGNREGA, it may be tied up from the funds of SHGs or from departmental funds or 14 th Finance Commission funds, or other sources as decided by the Block. It is essential that funds for implementing these works are tied up before the planning exercise is completed. Labour Projection for Vulnerable Households with Seasonality Focus
Achievements of IPPE - I IPPE – I has been undertaken in 2477 Blocks (Data Entered) Additional blocks (CFT) identified for IPPE – II taking total to 2514 Thus in most of the IPPE-II blocks, the base of IPPE-I work exists. In such blocks IPPE-II can build on what has already been done in IPPE-I In 37 Blocks there will be no base created by IPPE-I. Fortunately all these blocks are CFT Blocks with larger and better human resource.
What’s available from IPPE - I Trained Resource Persons at State / District / Block Level MGNREGS Functionaries SIRD Faculty Civil Society Experts Trained BPT Members at Block Level Youth (men and women) from Workers Households MGNREGS Functionaries Sensitised Officials at State / District / Block Level Outputs of participatory processes available at Gram Panchayat Level Reports of IPPE Information available from the MIS Shelf of Work available in Hard Copy / Soft Copy at the GP Level
Building on IPPE – I Listing District / Block Resource Persons from IPPE-I Reconstituting ensuring block level representation (DRPs allocated to blocks) Participation of individuals who can bring Livelihood Perspective Listing the BPTs from IPPE-I Reconstituting the BPTs with greater women’s participation (SHGs) Re-orienting and further sensitising State / District / Block Level Officials Seeking State Level MGNREGS-NRLM Synergy