PANAMA’S COMMITMENTS PRESENTED DURING THE WORLD CONFERENCE ON CHILD LABOR, THE HAGUE, MAY 2010 Based on the voluntary commitment by the Government during this World Conference, efforts have redoubled towards the development of coordinated action plans to approach Child Labor through 9 strategic steps called “The Pledges of Panama”:
Pledge 1: INCREASE MITRADEL AND NATIONAL GOVERNMENT EFFORTS IN ORDER TO ELIMINATE THE WORST FORMS OF CHILD LABOR BY 2015 AND CHILD LABOR IN GENERAL BY 2020 It raises the Department against Child Labor, a range of National Leadership, entitled: Office Against Child Labor and Management and Protection of Juvenile Workers (DIRETIPPAT). Official Presentation DIRETIPPAT, Chair, February 23, 2010
MISSION AND OBJECTIVES OF DIRETIPPAT Addressing children and juvenile workers ranging from their capacity, socioeconomic assessment, guidance on the effects of child labor and their inclusion in social protection programs. Coordinate with NGOs, government institutions, civil society and members of the Committee on the Elimination of Child Labor and Protection of Juvenile Workers (CETIPPAT)
PANAMA’S PROGRESS IN PREVENTING AND ELIMAINATING CHILD LABOR 1.Accomplishing the Third National Child Labor Survey in conjunction with the national budget 2.Scholarship Program against Child Labor 3.Free medical care for children and adolescent workers.
PLEDGE 2: IMPLIMENT 6 WORKING TABLES TO ADOPT THE ROADMAP In February 2010, the Roadmap of Central America was approved by Panama and Dominican Republic to make Panama a country free of child labor and its worst forms, as well as its programming from 2011 to 2013, with the support of the ILO and the International Eradication of Child Labour (IPEC). Formal Presentation: Programming ROAD MAP, March 31 st, 2011
PLEDGE 3: CREATE 14 REGIONAL OFFICES AND AGENCIES AGAINST CHILD LABOUR AND PROTECTION OF JUVENILLE WORKERS IN THE NATIONAL TERRITORY, AGAINST CHILD LABOUR It reinforces the work of the Regional Offices Working MITRADEL, by providing them with qualified professionals (social scientists) to the attention of boys / girls and adolescents under the premise of an effective and efficient care.
PLEDGE 4: STRENGTHEN THE AUDIT PROCESS, BY SIGNING THE ATTENTION PROTOCOL OF ATTENTION, PREVENTING AND PENALIZING IN ORDER TO ERADICATE CHILD LABOUR Has started a consultation process has been intitiated with the appropriate bodies in order to have an instrument that will facilitate and improve the process of inspection.
PLEDGE 5: INCIATE STEPS, SO THAT THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF PANAMA, HARMONIZE AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE TO THE LAWS OF OUR COUNTRY AS WELL AS WITH INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS There is a Proposed Comprehensive Law for Children and Adolescents, which provides the adjustment of national laws in line with the Convention on the Rights of the Child and other international agreements. It envisages the establishment of a special law for underage workers, under the recognition of Human Rights of Juvenile Workers, whose age is not less than 15 years.
PLEDGE 6: PROMOTE NATIONWIDE DIRECT ACTION PROGRAMS FOR THE ELIMINATION OF CHILD LABOUR AMONG ADOLESCENTS AND THE MORE SENSITIVE AREAS WITH THE HIGHEST INCIDENCE OF HAZARDOUS CHILD LABOR Taking into account the results of the Third Survey, which initiated the Direct-Action Program in geographic areas with the highest incidence of Children and young workers, such as Bocas del Toro, Darien, Herrera, Los Santos and indigenous regions (Region Ngabe Bugle and Embera). It incorporated Children and young workers to the the Direct Action Program, therefore creating a population database, which was very useful tool for organizations committed to the Prevention and Eradication of Child Labour.
Pledge 7: PROMOTE THE HIRING CHILD LABOR IN DANGEROUS WORK AS A CRIME Through Bill No.355 "Against Trafficking in Persons and Related Activities", currently in the Commission of Government, Justice and Constitutional Affairs of the National Assembly.
PLEDGE 8: INTERAGENCY COORDINATION, SUPERVISION AND MONITORING OF CASES OF CHILD LABOUR Strengthen coordination with government agencies, through the Committee on the Elimination of Child Labour and Protection of Juvenile Workers (CETIPPAT) NGOs such as Hope House and the Foundation for Sustainable Development of Panama (FUNDESP), the company Telefonica Moviles Panama, through the Proniño Program, interagency cooperation mechanisms for monitoring and supervision of cases of children and juvenile workers. Expand the awareness of children, adolescents and the population in general, DIRETIPPAT technical staff.
PLEDGE 9: ESTABLISH STRATEGIC ALLIANCES WITH THE COUNTRIES OF OUR REGION TO ESTABLISH THE EXCHANGE OF GOOD PRACTICES, WHICH HAVE SHOWN POSITIVE EFFECTS IN THE ELIMINATING CHILD LABOUR Binational Agreement between the National Committee for Prevention and Eradication of Child Labour, the Ministries of Labor of Panama and Costa Rica, aimed at seeking joint strategies for tackling the child labor of the original settlers (monitor and regulate migration of children and adolescents in the Bugle Ngabe Districts and their families, eradicating their participation in the work of harvesting coffee). Visit MITRADEL technical officials and the Ministry of Labour of Costa Rica, the region of Los Santos in Costa Rica, to know the situation that confronts them. Visit to the Chiriquí Community
…PLEDGE 9 Inter seminars in the regions of Boquete and Volcan in Chiriqui Province. We performed the 1 st. Training Day for Regional Community leaders in the province of Chiriqui in order to acts as agents on topics of community interest. Binational meeting(between Panama and Costa Rica) in the city of David, Chiriquí. Labour and Migration Management Group Binational meeting Costa Rica- Panama
THIRD NATIONAL SURVEY ON CHILD LABOR OCTOBER 2 ND, 2010 Year NNAT (children and adolescent workers) , , ,702 Result: Decrease in 29,065 minors between the ages of 5 to 17 years, who stopped economic activities of labor exploitation. Presentation of the Results gathered from the III Survey
INVITATION APRIL, 2012: Meeting of Ministers of Labor to share experiences and best practices for the Prevention and Eradication of Child Labor in Central America and the Dominican Republic. OBJECTIVE: To promote the exchange of progress and challenges in the countries of the sub region in relation to the implementation of national roadmaps
THANK YOU Comarca Child Ngabe Bugle