Christophe Arviset Paolo Padovani EURO-VO DCA Review, EC, Brussels, 10/01/2008 page 1 DCA WP3 Report Support to take-up and implementation of the VObs framework Christophe Arviset (ESA-VO) Paolo Padovani (ESO)
Christophe Arviset Paolo Padovani EURO-VO DCA Review, EC, Brussels, 10/01/2008 page 2 WP3 main objectives WP3 organizes the activities necessary to distribute knowledge of the VObs framework among European data centres (Workshops and visits) WP3-2 gathers feedback from the VObs framework implementation by data centres. WP3 work plan Organization of workshops on how to publish data into the VObs On-site visit to data centres to help them to publish their data holding into the VObs
Christophe Arviset Paolo Padovani EURO-VO DCA Review, EC, Brussels, 10/01/2008 page 3 EURO-VO Workshop on how to publish data in the VO ESAC, June
Christophe Arviset Paolo Padovani EURO-VO DCA Review, EC, Brussels, 10/01/2008 page 4 Workshop Organization Geared towards data centres and large projects to acquire the knowledge and experience necessary to allow them to become "publishers“ in the VO. Small data providers not excluded Workshop announcement through DCA Board and PCT (forwarded to National data centres) EURO-VO mailing list IVOA mailing lists At previous EURO-VO workshop in March 2007 Workshop pages
Christophe Arviset Paolo Padovani EURO-VO DCA Review, EC, Brussels, 10/01/2008 page 5 Workshop Programme Parallel sessions about publishing data using existing tools within EURO-VO Publishing catalogues DSA (Astrogrid), SAADA (OV-France), DMMapper (ESA) Publishing spectra DALToolkit (ESA), MEX (ESO) Publishing images DALToolkit (ESA), SAADA (OV-France), MEX (ESO) VOEvent Hands-On Session
Christophe Arviset Paolo Padovani EURO-VO DCA Review, EC, Brussels, 10/01/2008 page 6 Workshop Participants Around 70 participants registered Around 45 “real” data centres participants Advisors, ESA VO, ESO “excluded” Good target audience for a technical meeting ~45% were programmers, ~45% were system administrators ~10% were astronomers
Christophe Arviset Paolo Padovani EURO-VO DCA Review, EC, Brussels, 10/01/2008 page 7 Workshop Participants Distribution Note that some partners had organized “similar” national workshops (eg UK) Some EC “outsiders” (link with WP6) No real “large” projects Several “small” projects, astronomers with their own data
Christophe Arviset Paolo Padovani EURO-VO DCA Review, EC, Brussels, 10/01/2008 page 8 Workshop evaluation All participants could participate to all sessions All sessions material published on the DCA web pages High proportion of participants were able to publish their data through VO protocols by the end of the sessions Feedback from Advisors and Participants “ on-the-fly ” during the workshop at: Offline individual questionnaire for participants requested after the workshop See more details in WP3-2 presentations
Christophe Arviset Paolo Padovani EURO-VO DCA Review, EC, Brussels, 10/01/2008 page 9 EURO-VO Workshop on Astronomical Spectroscopy and the VObs ESAC, March
Christophe Arviset Paolo Padovani EURO-VO DCA Review, EC, Brussels, 10/01/2008 page 10 Workshop organization Initially not planned in the DCA proposal, but already mentioned in the preliminary plan for cycle 1 Workshop announcement through DCA Board and PCT (forwarded to National data centres) EURO-VO mailing list IVOA mailing lists Workshop pages Concluding remarks from DCA Board and IVOA Chair
Christophe Arviset Paolo Padovani EURO-VO DCA Review, EC, Brussels, 10/01/2008 page 11 Workshop objectives Bring the community to the VO and get the VO experts to listen to the community requirements Main goal was to identify current and future needs of astronomical spectroscopy, and discuss how the Virtual Observatory concept and applications can fulfill them Forum of discussion and interchange of experiences between astronomers and engineers active in the VObs, and astronomers with a specific expertise and involvement in astronomical spectroscopic projects – both from the observational and the theoretical side.
Christophe Arviset Paolo Padovani EURO-VO DCA Review, EC, Brussels, 10/01/2008 page 12 Workshop Programme 5 sessions: Spectroscopic surveys, VO standards and applications, Spectroscopic tools and algorithms, Photometry in the VO, Access to laboratory databases and theoretical data. Each session Series of presentations by experts in the field (VObs or not) Discussions 34 presentations, 20 posters Proceedings being printed
Christophe Arviset Paolo Padovani EURO-VO DCA Review, EC, Brussels, 10/01/2008 page 13 Workshop Participants Great success ! 116 participants from 15 countries EC US, Japan WP6 4 IVOA Working Group Chairs Good mixture between scientists and developers Good mixture between usual VO people and other people
Christophe Arviset Paolo Padovani EURO-VO DCA Review, EC, Brussels, 10/01/2008 page 14 On-site Support to Data Centres
Christophe Arviset Paolo Padovani EURO-VO DCA Review, EC, Brussels, 10/01/2008 page 15 Overview WP3 on-site support went slower than initially expected More focus was given in workshops Follow-up visits will come more naturally from the attendance to the workshop DCA Board decided to work more on the census of data centres before advertizing actively the on-site visits Web page detailing the list of WP3 visits of experienced VObs persons to data centres, national meetings or sites selected by partners: Possibility to request on-site visit to WP3 leaders (ESA, ESO)
Christophe Arviset Paolo Padovani EURO-VO DCA Review, EC, Brussels, 10/01/2008 page 16 WP3 overall conclusions Successful workshop to help data centres to publish their data holdings in the VObs framework Next major workshop to be held at ESO in June 2008 Special efforts will be made to involve also current and upcoming large astronomical facilities, selected through the ASTRONET project Successful focus workshop on astronomy and the VObs Good synergy between the VO and the Community More work to be planned for the on-site visits to the data centres by VObs experts Link to the census of data centres Follow-up visits after the workshops