The DØ Silicon Microstrip Tracker (SMT) Breese Quinn, FNAL Vertex2001 September 24, 2001 (presented by Frank Lehner, Universitaet Zuerich) Design Production & Assembly Readout Installation & Commissioning First Results
Vertex2001, 9/24/01B. Quinn2 SMT Design 4-layer barrel cross-section SMT Statistics 6 Barrels 12 F Disks 4 H Disks
Vertex2001, 9/24/01B. Quinn3 SMT Design
Vertex2001, 9/24/01B. Quinn4 SMT Design Require good 3D track reconstruction performance for high-p T (top, Higgs, EW, NP) and low-p T (B) tracks out to | | < 3 Momentum resolution less than 10% at p T = 1 GeV/c Impact parameter resolution within 30 m Forward H disks are employed to achieve these resolutions at high | |
Vertex2001, 9/24/01B. Quinn5 Production & Assembly: Devices Ladders 3-chip: 72 single-sided, axial ladders in the two outer barrels 6-chip: 144 double-sided, axial/90° ladders in the four inner barrels 9-chip: 216 double-sided, axial/2° ladders in all barrels Ladders have a mechanical accuracy of 2-5 m Wedges F Disks: 144 double-sided, ±15°, 6+8 chip wedges H Disks: 96×2 back-to-back single-sided, ±7.5°, 6 chip wedges Wedges have a mechanical accuracy of 5-10 m SVX IIe chip 128 channel 8-bit digital chip, with 32 cell pipeline depth 1.2 m rad-hard technology 106 MHz digitization, 53 MHz readout Rise time set to integrate 99% of charge in 100 ns Over 2.3 million wirebonds were made to chips 9-chip ladder H wedge SVX IIe chip
Vertex2001, 9/24/01B. Quinn6 Production & Assembly: Testing Probe Test Debug bad strips (broken capacitors), bonds, chips, etc. Determine the V-I characteristics of the sensors Measure V -max p-side breakdown voltage (micro-discharge effect) Burn-in Bias the ladder or wedge and test the readout for 72 hours Measure pedestals, noise, gain and check sparse readout Laser Expose biased detectors to a narrow laser scan Measure the depletion voltage and leakage currents and identify dead channels Readout tested again after the detector is mounted on a barrel or disk V -max Fail
Vertex2001, 9/24/01B. Quinn7 Production & Assembly: Failure Modes Sensor lithography defects A silicon manufacturing problem produced p-stop isolation defects in the 90° stereo ladders. This resulted in a 30% yield from the manufacturer. Microdischarge effect With negative p-side bias on double-sided detectors, we observed microdischarges producing large leakage currents and noise at a breakdown voltage. The effect occurs along the edges of the p implants, where large field distortions and charge accumulations result from misalignment of electrodes with implants. Effect moves to n-side after type inversion.
Vertex2001, 9/24/01B. Quinn8 Production & Assembly: Detector Quality Detector classification: Dead channel: < 40 ADC count response to laser Noisy channel: > 6 ADC count pedestal width Grade A: less than 2.6% dead/noisy channels Grade B: less than 5.2% dead/noisy channels Only used mechanically OK Grade A and B detectors 6-Chip Ladders Channel Fractions (%)
Vertex2001, 9/24/01B. Quinn9 Production & Assembly: Alignment Internal alignment was accomplished using a CMM machine that aligns ladders and wedges to < 20 m. e.g. Rotation along long axis of ladder ( = 10 m 3 m error on impact parameter) Barrel 1 Rotations (mm)
Vertex2001, 9/24/01B. Quinn10 SMT Readout: Data Flow PlatformPlatform SEQSEQ SEQSEQ SEQSEQ SEQSEQ SEQSEQ SEQSEQ 3/6/8/9 Chip HDI Sensor 8’ Low Mass Cable VRB Controller Optical Link 1Gb/s VBDVBD VRBVRB VRBVRB VRBVRB 68k/ Pwr PC Bit3 PC SDAQ L3MPM VME HV / LV Adapter Card I,V,T Monitoring KSU Interface Board 25’ High Mass Cable (3M/50 conductor) CLKs SEQ Controller Serial Command Link ~19’-30’ High Mass Cable (3M/80 conductor) Detector volume Counting House
Vertex2001, 9/24/01B. Quinn11 SMT Readout: Electronics Interface Boards 8 crates (144 boards) located inside the detector volume Refresh signals and adjust timing SVX monitoring and power management Bias voltage distribution SEQuencers 6 crates (120 boards) located on the detector hall platform Use SVX control lines to effect data acquisition, digitization and readout Convert SVX data to optical signals VRBs (VME Readout Buffers) 12 crates (120 boards) located in the counting house Data buffer pending L2 trigger decision 5-10 kHz L1 accept rate ~ 50 Mb/s/channel 1 kHz L2 accept rate ~ 50 Mb/s
Vertex2001, 9/24/01B. Quinn12 Installation Cylinder installation was completed on 12/20/00 A ½ cylinder of 3 barrels and 6 F disks was inserted into each end of the CFT bore H Disk installation was completed on 2/6/01 The cabling (~15,000 connections) and electronics installation was completed in May 2001 Fiber Tracker Low Mass Cables High Mass Cables SMT Interface Boards Calorimeter
Vertex2001, 9/24/01B. Quinn13 Commissioning The entire detector has been connected and powered ~15% of the devices are not in the readout because the SVX chips cannot be downloaded. 10% ladders, 18% F wedges, 20% H wedges Problems could be with cables, connectors, chips, etc. We will debug each of them during the October/November shutdown, and expect to recover more than half. Currently collecting calibration and alignment data
Vertex2001, 9/24/01B. Quinn14 Comissioning Online event display for SMT commissioning
Vertex2001, 9/24/01B. Quinn15 Charge Collection A cluster is defined as a contiguous sequence of strips with Each strip 6 ADC counts Cluster 12 ADC counts Timing setting a-b-c represents a signal delay of (a-1) 132 ns + (b-1) 18 ns + (c-1) 2 ns Preamp bandwith (pabw) sets the integration time With 396 ns bunch spacing, all charge should be collected with any of the pabw settings Higher pabw results in lower noise level
Vertex2001, 9/24/01B. Quinn16 Timing and S/N Higher preamp bandwith does not significantly reduce noise on n-side
Vertex2001, 9/24/01B. Quinn17 Alignment: Residuals SMT-only tracking with at least 4 hits Magnet off data Similarity of residuals from reconstruction with ideal and survey geometries indicates excellent internal alignment of the SMT Ideal Geometry Survey Geometry
Vertex2001, 9/24/01B. Quinn18 Alignment: SMT & CFT Track Matching Tracks were found separately in the SMT and the Central Fiber Tracker (CFT) SMT tracks were extrapolated to the CFT at which point the track offsets were measured Magnet off data r = -3 36 m
Vertex2001, 9/24/01B. Quinn19 J/ Candidate Sample Sherry Towers PRELIMINARY
Vertex2001, 9/24/01B. Quinn20 Conclusions Design/Production Experience with double-sided detectors has led to the decision to use single- sided silicon for the upgrade. Should work toward simpler designs in the future. For example, using 6 different sensor types resulted in extensive logistical complications. Assembly/Installation Alignment results show that the DØ SMT was assembled and installed extremely well. Congratulations to the SiDet and DAB staff! Commissioning The SMT was the first major DØ Upgrade detector system fully operational for Run 2A. More than 85% of the channels were available for readout on startup, and most of the remaining channels will be debugged and recovered by November. Results Very nice calibration (and first look at physics!) results have been produced from the early data, as we continue to better understand our detector.
Vertex2001, 9/24/01B. Quinn21 Alignment: Beam Distance of Closest Approach vs. Vertex Position