British North America
A New Life A New Land New life a new land starts with new beginnings. A place with wealthy business and great job opportunities, something for everyone. There's farming,lumbering,fishing,fur trade,shops and much more! European settlers, take a look at each colony and territory and see why a new beginning is what you need. Pick what suits your needs and wants for a better life. “BNA Is The Way”
Province of Canada “From West to East” The West - Farming and lumbering economy -Jobs such as,manufacturing carriages,wool products and Furniture. The East -Center of shipping -Wealthy business owners with great opportunities. -Additional jobs such as,metal working,stores,building, medicine and law.
Newfoundland -Economy is based on cod fishery - You can live in a quaint fishing community -or try city life in St. Johns. -There is fur trading along the coast.
New Brunswick -World center of ship building – 100 ships per year. -Exception forestry,great for ship building materials. -Abundance of opportunities for trades: -logging -sawmilling -sail making -carpentry -ironwork -rope manufacturing - The Marco Polo our fasted ship build yet … England to Austria in 76 days!
Nova Scotia -Wealthy sea port -Halifax… great trading opportunities and British navy port. -Amazing potentials: -fishing -sailors -shipbuilding -navy -trade -farming -leatherworking -metal goods
Prince Edward Island -Island wide farming -Amazing rich soil for crop growing. -Strong ship building community. -River front properties. Why own when you could rent? Rent from English land owners …today!
North-Western Territory, Rupert's Land, Vancouver's Island, and New Caledonia -Join the Hudson Bay company fur trade industry!! -Many post locations. -Trade for your goods. -Live on a beautiful river front property. -Also enjoy a wonderful canoe trip daily.
Grade 7 Social Studies Power Point- Advertisement for Prospective Setters to BNA.