1 Quebec Digital Infrastructure The Year in Review Guy Teasdale ACCESS 2006 Ottawa, October
2 Main Players BAnQ – Bibliothèque et archives nationales du Québec CREPUQ (Conference of Rectors and Principals of Quebec Universities) Érudit Museums (Société des musées québécois) Quebec gov. (National Assembly, Publications Québec) CBC, Télé Québec, Cities, non profit orgs.
3 BAnQ BNQ April 2005 Opening of la Grande Bibliothèque of the BNQ 31 Jan 2006 Merger of ANQ + BNQ = BAnQ 26Jan 2006 First meeting on the challenges of digitization Oct 2006 Second meeting – model of a QC DL presented
4 BAnQ 1996 begining of digitization activities permanent digitization program 3.2 M digital pages (books music score, periodicals, newspapers 69 k images (postcards, posters, 3 k audio files
5 Meanwhile in the World Dec Google print project :15 M ebooks by 2010 Jan CEO of BNF Jeanneney react in Le Monde “Quand Google défie l’Europe” Proposition for the Creation of European Digital Library (23/25 National libr. Approve) 2010 European DL expect 6M ebooks Fev 2006 Franco network of DL (FR, QC, Can, Belg., Switz. Lux) next meeting in jan 2007
6 Meanwhile in Canada... Towards a Canadian Digital Information Strategy Initial exploratory meeting – oct thematic meetings Spring 2006 Toward a Content Strategy (1): Digitization on a National Scale (Calgary) Toward a Content Strategy (1): Digitization on a National Scale Toward a Content Strategy (2): Optimizing Digital Content Creation (Toronto) Toward a Content Strategy (2): Optimizing Digital Content Creation Building a Digital Preservation Infrastructure (Québec) Building a Digital Preservation Infrastructure Fostering Access and Use Within a Rights Framework (Vancouver) Fostering Access and Use Within a Rights Framework National Summit – December 2006 Alouette Canada (CARL initiative nov 2005) Metadata toolkit
7 BAnQ -Jan 2006 meeting Need of a national registry Disparity of expertises between large cities and regions Consensus on the necessity of standards Needs of training Concerns over Copyright, preservation BAnQ should be the leader and coordinator
8 BAnQ - October 2006 meeting Different models were presented: France and Canada Claude Bonnelly presented his view Cooperation cooperation cooperation ! Decentralized and cooperative model BAnQ as coordinator and leader of a network of regional nodes forming a table assembling rich and various expertise Well received because BAnQ is well represented in region with the Archives network and they want to deconcentrate
9 CREPUQ Québec Virtual Research Library Working group created in 2000 To maximize investments To develop common tools To develop partnership 2002 report analyzing different models of digital libraries 2003 working with DMR - project 10M$
10 BRVQ Quebec virtual research library 16 services identified in 4 axes User assistance Search tools Access and delivery Edition and dissemination Each service is associated with a model Collaborative, Federated Unified (eg Scholar portal)
11 BRVQ Quebec virtual research library 2006 report validating the common vision of Library directors We have a model of services and architecture We have already implemented many collective and institutional services identified in the DMR document No centralized portal as in Ontario
12 CREPUQ Electronic collection development : 5.7M$ coordinated by Crepuq and 9.4M$ by CRKN many Univ approaching 50% of their budget for electronic documents Columbo (VDX server) launched in May 2006 SFX implemented everywhere Virtual reference service (problem with French) Federated search (few impl. looking for a collective product) Archiving (looking options LOCKSS, partnership OCUL, CISTI ???)
13 ÉRUDIT Non profit organisation created by Univ. de Montréal, Laval and UQAM scholarly articles from 48 journals backfiles projected Erudit schema adopted by and = franco interoperabilitywww.persee.fr Hope: a canadian model through CFI project Synergy = canadian interop.