Monday, October 18th Latitude and longitude Start Mapping the Earth Question of the Day: Which of these cities is located farthest south? a) Minneapolis b) Toronto c) Seattle d) Vancouver
Ans: Toronto!
Latitude and Longitude North Pole= 90 degrees N Latitude! Equator = 0 degrees South Pole= 90 degrees S
Latitude and Longitude International Date Line= 180 degrees E or W International Date Line= 180 degrees E or W Prime Meridian = 0 degrees WEST= 0 to 180 degrees EAST= 0 to 180 degrees
Let’s Practice… Which Location is at: O N / 150 W
Let’s Practice… Which Location is at: 30 S / 0 W
Let’s Practice… Which Location is at: 60 N / 60 E
Let’s Practice… Which Location is at: 75 N / 90 W
Let’s Practice… Which Location is at: 15 N / 45 W
Let’s Practice… 60N / 120W What is the Lat/Long of B?
Let’s Practice… What is the Lat/Long of I? 45S / 150E
Let’s Practice… 15S / 75E What is the Lat/Long of H?
Latty and Longi Tude Today you will practice your Latitude and Longitude Skills by following the travels of Latty and Longi Tude.
Places we’d like to go…