Bjørn Bauer Manager of PlanMiljø Danish Inspection Guidelines IMPEL Management Reference Book AC IMPEL Project – Training and institutional analyses Support to Latvia, Estonia, Slovakia etc. Bolivian Inspection System
Effective and Efficient Environmental Enforcement and Compliance Programmes To increase the efficiency, credibility and accountability of the national Enforcement and Compliance Programmes, we need to monitor, assess and evaluate the efforts. ECE Indicators can aid in these tasks.
Monitoring of ECE programmes Input indicators relate to the resources (people, $$) applied to different operations (e.g. # enforcement officers). Speak to governments commitment and are important to determine efficiency. Output indicators are quantitative or qualitative measures of activities or product – e.g. # inspection visits carried out. Outcome indicators relate to changes that governments try to influence but do not directly control. o Immediate and intermediate: Effect of those that were reached by the output, e.g. compliance rates, concentration of pollutants, environmental management in industry, o Final outcome indicators measure the ultimate results, e.g. improvement in environmental quality.
Present Czech indicators Quantitative input indicators include number of inspectors in CEI; regional inspectorates; number of trained inspectors per year. Semiqualitative input indicators include the number of training days/inspector/year and the number of foreign business trips/inspector/year.
Present Czech indicators Output quantitative indicators are used to measure (among others): number of inspections in different environmental media; number of revisions and administrative decisions issued; administrative decisions of remedial character; accidents on waters; number of requests for information according to particular laws; activity trends within air, water protection, waste/chemical substances; activity trends in nature/forest protection
Measuring What Matters The Strategy Goals (qualitative) Targets (quantitative) Objectives (operational)
ECE Indicators in Denmark up till now Number of inspectors (1/ people) Number of inspections within sectors (targets) Number and types of enforcement actions (no targets)
Measuring ECE efforts in Denmark up till now Very few goals, targets, outputs No outcome measuring No compliance or enforcement targets Shortcomings
Benchmarking in Denmark “The aim of benchmarking of inspectorates is to ensure a transparent, harmonised and efficient inspection methodology all over the country”
Measuring Points When dealing with benchmarking, the biggest challenge is to decide on measuring points that are relevant, meaningful for stakeholders, tangible and easily understandable. Few Unambiguous Comparable Easy to compile Relevant, but difficult, measuring points as “staff qualifications” and “environmental outcome” has been left out.
ECE Benchmarking Points New Danish (Pilot-)System Distribution between category 1, 2 and 3 Resources used per complete inspection, distributed on categories Education and training per inspector Share of announced and unannounced inspection visits, per category Enforcement actions per complete inspection, per man-year and for the three categories “Customer satisfaction” Quality management of the inspectorate
Benchmarking ECE efforts in Denmark Still few goals, targets, outputs Some measuring of industry’s preventive work No (other) outcome measuring No compliance or enforcement targets Efficiency benchmarking possible Comments
Scottish Approach
Next generation indicators? Resources used, staff numbers, training, $$ etc. Efforts of inspectorates (# inspections etc.) Division of inspection efforts on categories, frequencies Enforcement actions Compliance levels within different media/sectors Decisions appealed – lost and won Severe non-compliance brought to compliance Enterprises moving up in categories (demonstrating ability to voluntary improvements) Customer satisfaction Pollution Load Environmental indicators Input Outputs Outcome