Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 24/05/ OIC XML SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP (XSIG) 17: :30 Wed 24/05/2000 E-commerce Overview Stream: An overview of the E-commerce standards for XML Sun Microsystems Australia L Berry Street NORTH SYDNEY 2060
Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 24/05/ Agenda 18:00 OIC progress Steve GILLMORESDG& Associates 18:15XZIG progress Phillip YOUNGSun Microsystems Australia Phillip YOUNGSun Microsystems Australia 18:30 Overview E-commerce Standards Stephen GOULDHalisa International 19:30 Networking
Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 24/05/ Progress with OIC Progress since last meeting: *delivery Sun hardware and software for evaluation iPlanet as platform for XML Electronic Event Registration Management (EERM) project *links with OASIS (Organisation for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards) - association developing XML standards *Increased contact lists to 1,500 IT Organisations and 1,000 Business organisations in New South Wales *monitoring progress on Electronic Credit ventures like *List 51 external projects published on OIC
Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 24/05/ Progress with XZIG Objectives 130 people regularly at monthly meetings (registrations|) Mar25JunSepDec Apr20JulOctJan May26AugNovFeb 23 XML projects by 31/01/2001 First Project01/05/2000Second Project Third Project 3Accreditation program for members Will establish 01/07/2000 4Use electronic infrastructure - are doing so now for event registration
Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 24/05/ External Projects 51 Projects listed Federal Government 12 Federal Government 12 State Government 19 Local Government 4 Land, Housing & Environment 4 Health 4 Education 6 Utlities & Energy 3 Commercial 1
Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 24/05/ Global Bangemann Challenge 2000 In 2000 over 612 projects submitted by 345 cities for 7 categories: New Economy 63 Health & Quality of Life 69 Culture & Entertainment 62 Public Service & Democracy114 Education163 Environment 46 Equal Access 95 OIC EERM project did not make final
Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 24/05/ OIC Membership options Membership Level $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Events & newsletter E&N + notice projects ,000 E&N + project papers 7501,0001,5002,000 Project participation1,2501,5002,0002,500 Membership fee fixed for 3 years from date of joining. Long term Intellectual Property Royalties for project participation OIC will absorb GST for next 2 years for all registrations received by 30/06/2000
Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 24/05/ Membership Registrations Membership applications can be registered on E: T: (02) W: