Spanish American War Learning Target: Explain how William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt expanded America’s role in the world including the Spanish American War and the building of the Panama Canal
Mckinley November,1896, - US McKinley elected president There was two campaign promises: 1) Protect American business and 2) Freed the Cuban people.
U.S.S. Maine February 15, Havana Harbor U.S.S. Maine was blown- up 260 American sailors were killed after mysterious explosion. Yellow Press called for war against Spain ("Remember the Maine"), offer rewards for proof of Spanish plot.
Yellow Journalism A type of journalism that distorts and exaggerates the news to create sensations and attract readers William Randolph Hearst vs Joseph Pulitzer. New York Journal New York World
1.What is most noticeable about the example? 2. How is this media making people feel? 3. How would this influence or change peoples mind?
Characteristics of Yellow Journalism Characteristics of Yellow Journalism: Headlines in huge print, often of minor news Many pictures, or imaginary drawings use of faked interviews, misleading headlines, and false information from so-called experts dramatic sympathy with the "underdog" against the system. Emotional words and symbols; scare tactics
War Begins!!!!! April 25 th, 1898
THE WAR BEGINS! For the first time, the U.S. fought a war as a country outside of the U.S. The U.S. attacked the Spanish in Cuba, and they went after their colonies in the South Pacific Ocean because they thought Spain blew the boat up!
Dewey Sinks May,1, 1898, - Manila Bay Dewey sunk Spanish fleet. In only seven hours, the entire Spanish Asian fleet was sunk. U.S. suffers only one death.
San Juan Hill June, 1898, - Santiago, Cuba Roosevelt's Rough Riders take San Juan Hill Future President of the United State, Theodore Roosevelt, led a group of soldiers into Cuba. They were really successful.
The War Is Over August 1898 America was too powerful for the Spanish and they won the war in less than 10 months! President McKinley and the U.S. won their first war overseas.
Treaty of Paris The Treaty of Paris was signed in December, 1898 At the Treaty of Paris the U.S. received former Spanish colonies, the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico.
Why is this special? FIRSTS! –This was the first time America had control of land overseas! –This was the first time America won a war that happened outside of the U.S. –This was the first time America was looked at as a strong country! –European countries started to second guess messing with the U.S.
Major Player/Key Points At the turn of the century (1898), President William McKinley was a huge fan of flexing America’s Muscles. America was able to become strong because of all the change that was happening in America at that time.
Important Events Sinking of the USS Maine –266 US Servicemen are killed –Blamed on a Spanish mine Admiral Dewey – Surprise attack on the Spanish Fleet in Manila Harbor –All Spanish Ships are Sunk Spanish Defeated in Battle of San Juan Hill –T. Roosevelt led the “Rough Riders” to victory Spain signs Treat of Paris Ending the War
Effects of the Spanish American War US becomes an Imperialist Power Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines become colonies of the US Cuba gains its independence from Spain, but becomes a US Protectorate –US will “protect” and partially control Cuba