To Next Slide Authors 20 Questions!
To Next Slide Who is the author of The First Seven Years? Bernard Malamud
To Next Slide Who is the author of The Cold Equations? Tom Godwin
To Next Slide Who is the author of The Bass, the River, and Sheila Mant? W.D. Wetherell
To Next Slide Who is the author of The Book of Sand? Jorge Luis Borges
To Next Slide Who was the shy and emotionally damaged sister in Everyday Use? Maggie
To Next Slide Which religion did Dee join? Islam
To Next Slide Who is the author of Everyday Use? Alice Walker
To Next Slide What is a person’s reasons for doing something or for feeling a certain way? Motivation
To Next Slide What is a character who fits our preconceived notions about a type? Stock Character
To Next Slide What was the setting of The First Seven Years? New York City after WWII
To Next Slide What was Feld’s daughter’s name? Miriam
To Next Slide What was the setting of Distillation? Chicago during the Great Depression
To Next Slide When an author uses clues that hint at what is going to happen later in a story? Foreshadowing
To Next Slide What are the two parts of a setting? Time and place.
To Next Slide Who is the author of Life is Sweet at Kumansenu? Abioseh Nicol
To Next Slide A struggle or problem in the plot of a story. Conflict
To Next Slide The way a writer reveals him/herself by what people are like by telling about their speech, actions, appearance, etc. Indirect characterization
To Next Slide A series of related events, each event connected to the next, like links in a chain. Plot
To Next Slide Sentence Structure Four Questions!
To Next Slide Sentences Structure Which is this? Although the cost was little, the team paid the price. Complex Sentence
To Next Slide Sentences Structure Which is this? Under the bridge the hobo savored his stew. Simple Sentence
To Next Slide Sentences Structure Which is this? Even though the food was plentiful, the Pilgrims ate little venison, and the Indians ate only a little fish. Compound-Complex
To Next Slide Sentences Structure Which is this? Under the Tuscan moon the freedom fighter led his men to victory, and the Nazi tried to stop him. Compound
To Next Slide That’s All! Good Luck on the Test!