Library and Learning Resources Committee Meetings: 23 July, 22 Aug; 26 Sept Committee members (current) – Chair: Tom Schuman (Chem) – Faculty: Michael.


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Presentation transcript:

Library and Learning Resources Committee Meetings: 23 July, 22 Aug; 26 Sept Committee members (current) – Chair: Tom Schuman (Chem) – Faculty: Michael Bruening (H-PS), Ed Malone (Eng), Michelle Phillips (Econ), Hong Sheng (Bus-IT), Jun Fan (E&CE), Jennifer Pattershall-Geide (Psych) – Student: Nikki Gomez – Interim Director: Maggie Trish New Library Director: Tracy Primich – Previous home: Vanderbilt University

LLRC 26 Sept MU System Library Cuts – 2% for FY2014 plus $250,000 inflationary – Missouri S&T portion: $54,500 + $46,000 Cuts delayed by additional funding thru Provost Library last 4-6 yr sustained ~6% personnel cuts All cuts thus applied to materials budgeting – Compendex – Book funding (-$10,000 across all disciplines) – Journal usage review

Materials: Budget Cut Report 14 subscriptions to databases, book packages, or journal packages were cut and 2 were partially cut 41 individual journal subscriptions were cut 6 appeals were received, 1 appeal was upheld Those items appealed, but still cut, were added to a list for future consideration should the budget allow

Library Resource Strategy Reliant on faculty input for resource priorities Move toward electronic resources Examining cuts to budget with per-use cost – Less utilized resources move to ILL access – Move toward system publishing ‘package’ access

Library Services Building availability – Increased inter-break and in-semester open hours – Personnel cost tradeoffs Building reallocation – Building space and organization Resource availability (re)allocation – Work with faculty to optimize resource availability – Per use costs; academic needs (e.g., business school) Services – ILL delivery, resource education (ugrad, grad, faculty)