EA SEA-WAY Guidelines for Sustainability Plans Pula, 9 – 10 May 2015
Strategy for Capitalization/Sustainability/Taxonomy The 3 EA SEA-WAY Pillars Capitalization Plan Terminal services New Lines Infomobili ty and Dynamic Interland Sustainability Plan
Sustainability Phases
Sustainability Plans define action plans to use the results after the project end and ensure financial, political and institutional sustainability; outline frameworks of possible agreements to have political, financial, institutional commitments; identify monitoring phases. SP will provide the basis for the sustainability measures envisaged in WP5 (where policy makers, competent bodies, companies work together and subscribe CB agreements impacting the area after the project end) and for finding other possible measures. Identified “sustainability” measures are carried out in each region and at CB level.
Sustainability Guidelines Sustainability of the Pilot itself Sustainability of the Pilot in the framework of Regional/National Operative Programme Sustainability of the Pilot in the framework of Adrion Programme
Sustainability of the Pilot itself The main Paragraphs of the section are: Executive Summary Pilot Description Context Analysis Competition Analysis Swot Analysis Marketing sub-plan Operation sub-plan The Budget Milestone Schedule
Sustainability of the Pilot itself Executive Summary This part is a brief overview of the whole Business Plan of the Pilot Project. Description of Pilot: Provide a brief description of your pilot The targeted stakeholder: Which stakeholders do you intend to target? Growth Potential: What is the potential for your pilot? (What do you hope to achieve in one to three years’ time?) Financial Requirements: How much money would be necessary to sustain the pilot during the first 3 years. Which will be the funding sources: Public, Private, Public – Private? List of Critical Issues for the Success of the Project: Present a list of the critical success factors most likely to affect your pilot project. Assistance required: What assistance would you require to help you to sustain your pilot project?
Sustainability of the Pilot itself Pilot Description In this part has to be explained the pilot project concept and the reasons why the FBs selected this pilot. Identify to which EA-SEA WAY Pillar (Terminal Services, New Lines, Info-Mobility) your Pilot belongs Provide a detailed description of the Pilot Project What inspired you to choose this Pilot? What innovative features does your pilot offer (if any)? Do you believe there is a real need for your product or service? And if so please explain the reason why. How will your pilot satisfy stakeholders’ needs and expectations? Where do you see your Pilot Project in the short, medium and long term?
Sustainability of the Pilot itself Context Analysis This part aims at clearly understand the context in which you Pilot Project is positioned and through it identifying important changes that could take place. Describe the targeted stakeholders of your Pilot Project, and how they can be interested and/or affect you Pilot. If applicable, how many organizations already operate in this sector? If applicable, what are the general sector trends? Is it growing, static or slowing down? If applicable, can you perceive any important changes in this sector? If applicable, how can these changes affect your Pilot? Are you aware of any Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legislative or Environmental changes that could seriously affect your Pilot Project in the medium or long term? This is known as the PESTLE analysis. How desirable do you consider this sector to be for new, local entrants and from other EU areas?
Sustainability of the Pilot itself Competition Analysis This part aims at identifying and analyzing the Competitors. If applicable, who are your most important competitors? If applicable, what are their main strengths and weaknesses? If applicable, how can you be different? If applicable, how can your pilot be more competitive?
Sustainability of the Pilot itself SWOT Analysis This part enables to look closely at the internal strengths and weaknesses of the Pilot, and to identify external threats and potential opportunities. S = Strengths W = Weaknesses O = Opportunities T = Threats
Sustainability of the Pilot itself Marketing Sub-Plan This part focuses on stakeholder and potential customers of the pilot and allows you to see whether the pilot itself can satisfy their needs. The Product – List three important features that make your pilot worth having. – List three features where you think your pilot could be improved. – If applicable, can you list three major competitors that offer similar products or services to yours? Can you identify differences between your pilot and their services/products? – If applicable, in what aspects can your product or service be described as innovative?
Sustainability of the Pilot itself The Customer – Will your pilot success depend on one main customer/stakeholder or to a wide variety? – If it is addressed to a wide variety of customers, list at least 3 types of customers – Do you plan to have a uniform approach to make aware/informed all stakeholders groups or will you vary your strategies accordingly? – What measures you employ to identify stakeholder requirements with regard to your pilot? – How do you plan to collect stakeholder feedback in order to a high degree of customer satisfaction?
Sustainability of the Pilot itself The Method – What methods of advertising do you intend to use for your Pilot Project? – Newspapers and magazines – Television – Radio – Sponsorships – Internet (websites, e-newsletters, search engine optimization) – Other (specify) – If you intend to use any of the media mentioned above, which do you rate as the most effective and why?
Sustainability of the Pilot itself Operations Sub-Plan This part aims at define the internal operations in detail to verify if the Pilot Project can be run efficiently and effectively. – Give details of equipment/machinery/vehicles you will require to operate your pilot (such as purpose, current value and future replacement date) – Describe the Management Structure for carrying out the Pilot, i.e. describe the skills and experience of people necessary to run the pilot
Sustainability of the Pilot itself The Budget Prepare a detailed budget to carry out the Pilot Prepare a detailed budget to maintain the Pilot Project for the next 5 years Calculate the break-even point of Pilot Project and how soon it is possible to reach it, taking into consideration all the costs involved: both direct and Indirect. Can you offer any security to support your financial requirements? Do you have access to other sources of funds? Give details if any.
Sustainability of the Pilot itself Milestones Define the Milestones and the related scheduling for implementing and if applicable to sustain your pilot. Moreover, each Partner has to define with which instrument intends to guarantee the Political and Institutional Sustainability of its Pilot Project, and the instrument to monitor the achievement of the sustainability.
Sustainability of the Pilot in the framework of Regional/National Operative Programme This section is constituted by three main Paragraphs: National Framework Policy and Strategy for Passengers Transportation Regional Strategic Framework for Transport Pilot Project in the framework of Regional and National Operative Programme
Sustainability of the Pilot in the framework of Regional/National Operative Programme National Framework Policy and Strategy for Passengers Transportation briefly describe the National Operative Programme of its Country by focusing on the Transport Sector, highlighting for each EA – SEA WAY pillar: the main strategy of intervention, the target sectors of the real economy that will influence, the instruments to be applied supporting the strategy, the way that affects the funding instruments and their synergies with other EU funding resources, the international collaboration as a parameter of strategic importance as it provides access to internationally competitive pool of knowledge, experience and infrastructure, and the collaboration with the Regional Strategic Frameworks of Transportation.
Sustainability of the Pilot in the framework of Regional/National Operative Programme Regional Framework Policy and Strategy for Passengers Transportation briefly describe the Regional Operative Programme of its Region by focusing on the Transport Sector, highlighting for each EA – SEA WAY pillar: the main strategy of intervention, the target sectors of the real economy that will influence, the instruments to be applied supporting the strategy, the way that affects the funding instruments and their synergies with other EU funding resources, the international collaboration as a parameter of strategic importance as it provides access to internationally competitive pool of knowledge, experience and infrastructure, and the collaboration with the Regional Strategic Frameworks of Transportation.
Sustainability of the Pilot in the framework of Regional/National Operative Programme Pilot Project in the framework of Regional and National Operative Programme In this part each Partner has to describe how its Pilot is collocated in the framework of Regional and National Operative Programme. In detail each Partner is required to describe to which Regional and National need its pilot is giving a concrete answer, and under which measures of National and Regional Operative Programme could found further funds to guarantee the sustainability of the Pilot itself
Sustainability of the Pilot in the framework of Adrion Programme In this part each Partner is required to describe how its Pilot can give an answer to the needs and challenges of Adriatic Ioanian Macroregion, according to Adrion Programme Priorities: Innovative and Smart Region: Promoting business investments in R&I. Sustainable Region: 1) Conserving, protecting, promoting and developing cultural and natural heritage, 2) Protecting and restoring biodiversity and soil and promoting ecosystem system services. Connected Region: Developing and improving environment friendly transport system including multimodal links. Towards a better governance of Adriatic – Ionian Region: Enhancing governance.