Jacksonian Democracy Part 1
I. “The People’s President 1. From a poor family 2. Military hero a. Battle of New Orleans 3. Supporter of Jefferson’s ideas a. advocate for common people
II. The “Spoils System” 1. Dismissed old government officials a. Replaced them with his friends -Jackson’s “Kitchen Cabinet” b. “Rotation in Office” -new officials will be loyal to the President -fresh officials can better serve the people Spoils- -prize taken in battle -Jackson won the battle -(election) -took the prize -(selection of officials) teachers.henrico.k12.va.us/highlandsprings/st...
III. Indian Removal: Why? 1. Jackson was a famous “Native Fighter” a. Believed Natives were uncivilized & inferior b. Believed the land in Georgia belonged to American citizens
III. Indian Removal: Why? Continued… c. Gold discovered within Cherokee Nation GA d. Americans wanted gold e. Cherokee Nation refused denied American Prospectors f. Cherokee Nation vs. Georgia g. Chief Justice John Marshall -”Cherokees have rights to and control over the land…” h. Jackson’s Indian Removal Acts -Removes Cherokee & Creek tribes anyway -Trail of Tears
IV. Trail of Tears 1. Forced removal of 7 Native Tribes a. From Georgia to Oklahoma b. Dead of winter c. Foot and horseback -resisters shackled d. 4,000 out of 15,000 died