Dr. Philip Cannata 1 Programming Languages Haskell.


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Presentation transcript:

Dr. Philip Cannata 1 Programming Languages Haskell

Dr. Philip Cannata 2 A programming language is a language with a well- defined syntax (lexicon and grammar), type system, and semantics that can be used to implement a set of algorithms. Haskell

Dr. Philip Cannata 3 Haskell: /lusr/bin/hugs, should be in your default $PATH or for windows, download and install winhugs at $ hugs __ __ __ __ ____ ___ _________________________________________ || || || || || || ||__ Hugs 98: Based on the Haskell 98 standard ||___|| ||__|| ||__|| __|| Copyright (c) ||---|| ___|| World Wide Web: || || Bugs: || || Version: _________________________________________ Haskell 98 mode: Restart with command line option -98 to enable extensions Type :? for help Hugs> :load 09H1 Main> To load the file “09H1.hs” from the directory in which you started hugs

Dr. Philip Cannata 4 Hugs> 2 * 4 ^2 32 Hugs> 8^2 64 Hugs> (2 * 4) ^ 2 64 Hugs> ^ 2 18 Hugs> 2 ^ Hugs> True && False False Hugs> True || False True Hugs> 3 < 5 True Hugs> 'c' < 'p' True Hugs> 'c' > 'p' False Hugs> "tree" < "rock" False Hugs> "tree" > "rock" True Haskell Expression Number Expressions Boolean Expressions Character Expressions String Expressions

Dr. Philip Cannata 5 Hugs> ("dog", "cat", 5) ("dog","cat",5) Hugs> ["dog", "cat", 5] ERROR - Cannot infer instance *** Instance : Num [Char] *** Expression : ["dog","cat",5] Hugs> ["dog", "cat", "5"] ["dog","cat","5"] Hugs> 1 : [] [1] Hugs> 1 : [2,3,4] [1,2,3,4] [expression | generator] Hugs> [2 * x ^ 2 | x <- [1, 2, 3,4]] [2,8,18,32] Hugs> [x * y | (x, y) <- [(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6)]] [2,12,30] Haskell Basic Data Structures Tuples Lists List Construction List Comprehension

Dr. Philip Cannata 6 Hugs> [(x, y) | x <- [1, 3.. 6], y <- ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']] [(1,'a'),(1,'b'),(1,'c'),(1,'d'),(3,'a'),(3,'b'),(3,'c'),(3,'d'),(5,'a'),(5,'b'),(5,'c'),(5,'d')] Hugs> [(x, y) | x <- [1..4], y <- [1..4]] [(1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(2,1),(2,2),(2,3),(2,4),(3,1),(3,2),(3,3),(3,4),(4,1),(4,2), (4,3),(4,4)] Hugs> [(x, y) | x <- [0..4], y <- [0..4], x < y] [(0,1),(0,2),(0,3),(0,4),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(2,3),(2,4),(3,4)] Hugs> [(x, y) | x y] [(1,0),(2,0),(2,1),(3,0),(3,1),(3,2),(4,0),(4,1),(4,2),(4,3)] Hugs> [x | x <- [1..100], y <- [1..100], 72 == x * y] [1,2,3,4,6,8,9,12,18,24,36,72] Haskell Basic Data Structures continued List Comprehension Cross product “ ” Relation Factors of 72

Dr. Philip Cannata 7 Main> [empno | (empno, _, _, _, _, _, _) <- emp] [7839,7698,7782,7566,7788,7902,7369,7499,7521,7654,7844,7876,7900, 7934] Main> [empno | (empno, _, _, _, _, sal, _) 4000] [7839] Main> [empno | (empno, _, _, _, _, sal, _) 2000] [7839,7698,7782,7566,7788,7902] Haskell Basic Data Structures - continued List Comprehension Database Query

Dr. Philip Cannata 8 Hugs> :type product product :: Num a => [a] -> a Hugs> product [ 2, 3, 4 ] 24 Hugs> product [ x | x <- [1..10]] Hugs> :type (+) (+) :: Num a => a -> a -> a Hugs> Hugs> (+) Hugs> (\ x -> x ^ 2 + 4) 5 29 Haskell Functions product Function (+) Operator – an Operator is a 2-ary Function lambdas

Dr. Philip Cannata 9 Hugs> :type not not :: Bool -> Bool Hugs> not True False Hugs> :type map map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] Hugs> map sqrt [ 1, 4, 9, 10 ] [1.0,2.0,3.0, ] Hugs> map (\ x -> x + 2) [ 1, 2, 3, 4] [3,4,5,6] Hugs> :type head head :: [a] -> a Hugs> head [ 5, 4, 3, 2, 1] 5 Haskell Pattern Matching not :: Bool  Bool not False = True not True = False map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map _ [] = [] map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs head :: [a] -> a head = ( \(x:xs) -> x)

Dr. Philip Cannata 10 Hugs> if True then 6 else 8 6 Hugs> if False then 6 else 8 8 Hugs> 2 + let x = sqrt 9 in (x + 1) * (x - 1) 10.0 Haskell Conditional Expressions Let Expressions (i.e., local variables) not :: Bool  Bool not False = True not True = False Let assignment assignment. in (expression)

Dr. Philip Cannata 11 v = 1/0 testLazy x = testLazy1 x = 2 / x Hugs> v 1.#INF Hugs > testLazy Hugs > testLazy v 12 Hugs > testLazy e-2 Hugs > testLazy1 v 0.0 Hugs > (\x -> let y = x in (2 / y)) (1/0) 0.0 Hugs > (\x -> let y = x in (2 / y)) (0) 1.#INF Lazy Evaluation

Dr. Philip Cannata 12 Propositions: Statements that can be either True or False Logical Operators: Negation: not not :: Bool-> Bool not True = False not False = True Conjunction: && (&&) :: Bool-> Bool-> Bool False && x = False True && x = x Disjunction: || (||) :: Bool-> Bool-> Bool True || x = True False || x = x Propositional Logic Logical Operators: Implication (if – then): ==> Antecedent ==> Consequent (==>) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool x ==> y = (not x) || y Equivalence (if, and only if): ( ) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool x y = x == y Not Equivalent ( ) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool x y = x /= y

Dr. Philip Cannata 13 Truth tables: P && Q P || Q not P P ==> Q P Q P Q P && Q False False False False True False True False False True True True P Q P || Q False False False False True True True False True True True True P  P False True True False P Q P  Q False False True False True True True False False True True True P Q P Q False False True False True False True False False True True True P Q P Q False False False False True True True False True True True False

Dr. Philip Cannata 14 Proposition (WFF): ((P  Q)  ((  P)  Q)) P Q False False True True False True False True (P  Q) (  P) True False ((  P)  Q) False True ((P  Q)  ((  P)  Q)) False True Some True: prop is Satisfiable* If they were all True: Valid / Tautology All False: Contradiction (not satisfiable*) * Satisfiability was the first known NP-complete problem If prop is True when all variables are True: P, Q ((P  Q)  ((  P)  Q)) A Truth double turnstile Reasoning with Truth Tables

Dr. Philip Cannata 15 truthTable :: (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) -> [Bool] truthTable wff = [ (wff p q) | p <- [True,False], q <- [True,False]] tt = (\ p q -> not (p ==> q)) Hugs> :load 10Logic.hs LOGIC> :type tt tt :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool LOGIC> truthTable tt [False,True,False,False] LOGIC> or (truthTable tt) True LOGIC> and (truthTable tt) False Truth Table Application

Dr. Philip Cannata 16 Satisfiable: Are there well formed propositional formulas that return True for some input? satisfiable1 :: (Bool -> Bool) -> Bool satisfiable1 wff = (wff True) || (wff False) satisfiable2 :: (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) -> Bool satisfiable2 wff = or [ (wff p q) | p <- [True,False], q <- [True,False]] satisfiable3 :: (Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool) -> Bool satisfiable3 wff = or [ (wff p q r) | p <- [True,False], q <- [True,False], r <- [True,False]] ( \ p -> not p) ( \ p q -> (not p) || (not q) ) ( \ p q r -> (not p) || (not q) && (not r) ) Define these first infix 1 ==> (==>) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool x ==> y = (not x) || y infix 1 ( ) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool x y = x == y infixr 2 ( ) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool x y = x /= y

Dr. Philip Cannata 17 Validity (Tautology): Are there well formed propositional formulas that return True no matter what their input values are? valid1 :: (Bool -> Bool) -> Bool valid1 wff = (wff True) && (wff False) valid2 :: (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) -> Bool valid2 wff = (wff True True) && (wff True False) && (wff False True) && (wff False False) ( \ p -> p || not p ) -- Excluded Middle ( \ p -> p ==> p ) ( \ p q -> p ==> (q ==> p) ) ( \ p q -> (p ==> q) ==> p )

Dr. Philip Cannata 18 Contradiction (Not Satisfiable): Are there well formed propositional formulas that return False no matter what their input values are? contradiction1 :: (Bool -> Bool) -> Bool contradiction1 wff = not (wff True) && not (wff False) contradiction2 :: (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) -> Bool contradiction2 wff = and [not (wff p q) | p <- [True,False], q <- [True,False]] contradiction3 :: (Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool) -> Bool contradiction3 wff = and [ not (wff p q r) | p <- [True,False], q <- [True,False], r <- [True,False]] ( \ p -> p && not p) ( \ p q -> (p && not p) || (q && not q) ) ( \ p q r -> (p && not p) || (q && not q) && (r && not r) )

Dr. Philip Cannata 19 Truth: Are there well formed propositional formulas that return True when their input is True truth1 :: (Bool -> Bool) -> Bool truth1 wff = (wff True) truth2 :: (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) -> Bool truth2 wff = (wff True True) ( \ p -> not p) ( \ p q -> (p && q) || (not p ==> q)) ( \ p q -> not p ==> q) ( \ p q -> (not p && q) && (not p ==> q) )

Dr. Philip Cannata 20 Equivalence: logEquiv1 :: (Bool -> Bool) -> (Bool -> Bool) -> Bool logEquiv1 bf1 bf2 = (bf1 True bf2 True) && (bf1 False bf2 False) logEquiv2 :: (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) -> (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) -> Bool logEquiv2 bf1 bf2 = and [(bf1 r s) (bf2 r s) | r <- [True,False], s <- [True,False]] logEquiv3 :: (Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool) -> (Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool) -> Bool logEquiv3 bf1 bf2 = and [(bf1 r s t) (bf2 r s t) | r <- [True,False], s <- [True,False], t <- [True,False]] formula3 p q = p formula4 p q = (p q) q formula5 p q = p ((p q) q) *Haskell> logEquiv2 formula3 formula4 True *Haskell> logEquiv2 formula4 formula5 False

Dr. Philip Cannata 21 Equivalence continued: logEquiv1 id (\ p -> not (not p)) logEquiv1 id (\ p -> p && p) logEquiv1 id (\ p -> p || p) logEquiv2 (\ p q -> p ==> q) (\ p q -> not p || q) logEquiv2 (\ p q -> not (p ==> q)) (\ p q -> p && not q) logEquiv2 (\ p q -> not p ==> not q) (\ p q -> q ==> p) logEquiv2 (\ p q -> p ==> not q) (\ p q -> q ==> not p) logEquiv2 (\ p q -> not p ==> q) (\ p q -> not q ==> p) logEquiv2 (\ p q -> p q) (\ p q -> (p ==> q) && (q ==> p)) logEquiv2 (\ p q -> p q) (\ p q -> (p && q) || (not p && not q)) logEquiv2 (\ p q -> p && q) (\ p q -> q && p) logEquiv2 (\ p q -> p || q) (\ p q -> q || p) logEquiv2 (\ p q -> not (p && q)) (\ p q -> not p || not q) logEquiv2 (\ p q -> not (p || q)) (\ p q -> not p && not q) logEquiv3 (\ p q r -> p && (q && r)) (\ p q r -> (p && q) && r) logEquiv3 (\ p q r -> p || (q || r)) (\ p q r -> (p || q) || r) logEquiv3 (\ p q r -> p && (q || r)) (\ p q r -> (p && q) || (p && r)) test9b logEquiv3 (\ p q r -> p || (q && r)) (\ p q r -> (p || q) && (p || r)) -- Idempotence -- Implication -- Contrapositive -- Commutativity -- deMorgan -- Associativity -- Distributivity

Dr. Philip Cannata 22 Why Reasoning with Truth Tables is Infeasible Works fine when there are 2 variables {T,F}  {T,F} = set of potential values of variables 2  2 lines in truth table Three variables — starts to get tedious {T,F}  {T,F}  {T,F} = set of potential values 2  2  2 lines in truth table Twenty variables — definitely out of hand 2  2  …  2 lines (220) You want to look at a million lines? If you did, how would you avoid making errors? Hundreds of variables — not in a million years  A need for Predicate Logic. We’ll look at this with Prolog.

Dr. Philip Cannata 23 Haskell and SQL

Dr. Philip Cannata 24 Standard Oracle scott/tiger emp dept database

Dr. Philip Cannata 25 emp = [ (7839, "KING", "PRESIDENT", 0, "17-NOV-81", 5000, 10), (7698, "BLAKE", "MANAGER", 7839, "01-MAY-81", 2850, 30), (7782, "CLARK", "MANAGER", 7839, "09-JUN-81", 2450, 10), (7566, "JONES", "MANAGER", 7839, "02-APR-81", 2975, 20), (7788, "SCOTT", "ANALYST", 7566, "09-DEC-82", 3000, 20), (7902, "FORD", "ANALYST", 7566, "03-DEC-81", 3000, 20), (7369, "SMITH", "CLERK", 7902, "17-DEC-80", 800, 20), (7499, "ALLEN", "SALESMAN", 7698, "20-FEB-81", 1600, 30), (7521, "WARD", "SALESMAN", 7698, "22-FEB-81", 1250, 30), (7654, "MARTIN", "SALESMAN", 7698, "28-SEP-81", 1250, 30), (7844, "TURNER", "SALESMAN", 7698, "08-SEP-81", 1500, 30), (7876, "ADAMS", "CLERK", 7788, "12-JAN-83", 1100, 20), (7900, "JAMES", "CLERK", 7698, "03-DEC-81", 950, 30), (7934, "MILLER", "CLERK", 7782, "23-JAN-82", 1300, 10) ] dept = [ (10, "ACCOUNTING", "NEW YORK"), (20, "RESEARCH", "DALLAS"), (30, "SALES", "CHICAGO"), (40, "OPERATIONS", "BOSTON") ] Standard Oracle scott/tiger emp dept database in Haskell

Dr. Philip Cannata 26 Main>Main> [(empno, ename, job, sal, deptno) | (empno, ename, job, _, _, sal, deptno) <- emp] [(7839,"KING","PRESIDENT",5000,10), (7698,"BLAKE","MANAGER",2850,30), (7782,"CLARK","MANAGER",2450,10), (7566,"JONES","MANAGER",2975,20), (7788,"SCOTT","ANALYST",3000,20), (7902,"FORD","ANALYST",3000,20), (7369,"SMITH","CLERK",800,20), (7499,"ALLEN","SALESMAN",1600,30), (7521,"WARD","SALESMAN",1250,30), (7654,"MARTIN","SALESMAN",1250,30), (7844,"TURNER","SALESMAN",1500,30), (7876,"ADAMS","CLERK",1100,20), (7900,"JAMES","CLERK",950,30), (7934,"MILLER","CLERK",1300,10)] Main>

Dr. Philip Cannata 27 Main> [(empno, ename, job, sal, deptno) | (empno, ename, job, _, _, sal, deptno) <- emp, deptno == 10] [(7839,"KING","PRESIDENT",5000,10), (7782,"CLARK","MANAGER",2450,10), (7934,"MILLER","CLERK",1300,10)] Main>

Dr. Philip Cannata 28 Main> [(empno, ename, job, sal, dname) | (empno, ename, job, _, _, sal, edeptno) <- emp, (deptno, dname, loc) <- dept, edeptno == deptno ] [(7839,"KING","PRESIDENT",5000,"ACCOUNTING"), (7698,"BLAKE","MANAGER",2850,"SALES"), (7782,"CLARK","MANAGER",2450,"ACCOUNTING"), (7566,"JONES","MANAGER",2975,"RESEARCH"), (7788,"SCOTT","ANALYST",3000,"RESEARCH"), (7902,"FORD","ANALYST",3000,"RESEARCH"), (7369,"SMITH","CLERK",800,"RESEARCH"), (7499,"ALLEN","SALESMAN",1600,"SALES"), (7521,"WARD","SALESMAN",1250,"SALES"), (7654,"MARTIN","SALESMAN",1250,"SALES"), (7844,"TURNER","SALESMAN",1500,"SALES"), (7876,"ADAMS","CLERK",1100,"RESEARCH"), (7900,"JAMES","CLERK",950,"SALES"), (7934,"MILLER","CLERK",1300,"ACCOUNTING")] Main>

Dr. Philip Cannata 29 Main> length [sal | (_, _, _, _, _, sal, _) <- emp] 14 Main> Main> (\y -> fromIntegral(sum y) / fromIntegral(length y)) ([sal | (_, _, _, _, _, sal, _) <- emp]) Main>

Dr. Philip Cannata 30 Main> map sqrt (map fromIntegral [sal | (_, _, _, _, _, sal, _) <- emp]) [ , , , , , , 40.0, , , , , ] Main>

Dr. Philip Cannata 31 Main> (map sqrt. map fromIntegral) [sal | (_, _, _, _, _, sal, _) <- emp] [ , , , , , , 40.0, , , , , ] Main>

Dr. Philip Cannata 32 Main> zip ([name | (_, name, _, _, _, _, _) <- emp]) (map sqrt (map fromIntegral [sal | (_, _, _, _, _, sal, _) <- emp])) [("KING", ), ("BLAKE", ), ("CLARK", ), ("JONES", ), ("SCOTT", ), ("FORD", ), ("SMITH", ), ("ALLEN",40.0), ("WARD", ), ("MARTIN", ), ("TURNER", ), ("ADAMS", ), ("JAMES", ), ("MILLER", )] Main>

Dr. Philip Cannata 33 Main> [(name, sal, dept) | (_, name, _, _, _, sal, dept) <- emp, dept `elem` [20, 30]] [("BLAKE",2850,30), ("JONES",2975,20), ("SCOTT",3000,20), ("FORD",3000,20), ("SMITH",800,20), ("ALLEN",1600,30), ("WARD",1250,30), ("MARTIN",1250,30), ("TURNER",1500,30), ("ADAMS",1100,20), ("JAMES",950,30)] Main>

Dr. Philip Cannata 34 Main> [(name, sal, dept) | (_, name, _, _, _, sal, dept) <- emp, dept `notElem` [20, 30]] [("KING",5000,10), ("CLARK",2450,10), ("MILLER",1300,10)] Main>

Dr. Philip Cannata 35 Main> [(name, sal, dept) | (_, name, _, _, _, sal, dept) <- emp, dept `notElem` [20, 30]] ++ [(name, sal, dept) | (_, name, _, _, _, sal, dept) <- emp, dept `elem` [20, 30]] [("KING",5000,10), ("CLARK",2450,10), ("MILLER",1300,10), ("BLAKE",2850,30), ("JONES",2975,20), ("SCOTT",3000,20), ("FORD",3000,20), ("SMITH",800,20), ("ALLEN",1600,30), ("WARD",1250,30), ("MARTIN",1250,30), ("TURNER",1500,30), ("ADAMS",1100,20), ("JAMES",950,30)] Main>

Dr. Philip Cannata 36