North End Quality Meats MGS 351 Aiden Dekidjiev, Amanda Yunger, Jungwon Seo, Kevin Florio, Tom Stevens
Overview Butcher shop located in Scarsdale, NY Provide a large variety of high-quality meats Excellent service Pickup and delivery options Service other local businesses as well as individual customers
Current System No computerized system Use pen and paper for recording information Paper filing used
Problems Organization and Efficiency Easy to lose information Often have partial data No standardization Lack of structure
Proposed System and Solutions Designed a database to combine financial, customer, product, and order data Made input easy to understand with forms to fill out requiring all necessary data for each category Improves accuracy, efficiency, and organization Allows for easy retrieval of information and quick look-ups
Conclusion Improved Customer Satisfaction Increased Efficiency Reduce Costs Record Payments