Apprenticeshi p event at Cavendish School Helping students, parents and employers to meet and talk To raise the profile of apprenticeships as a realistic route from school
Entrance to event – market stalls by colleges, training providers, Sixth Form
How easy was the registration process for this event? Easy ing afterwards to send out evaluation survey Dashboard overview of numbers
Main hall with employer tables – more in adjacent dining room
How comfortable did you feel asking questions at this event?
I am now better informed to seriously consider applying for an Apprenticeship in the future
Next time….. More employers, especially local Wide range of sectors Use Eventbrite again Sixth Form Ambassadors are great! Visiting delegates loved the refreshments after a full day at work Collaboration between schools worked well More info on the job application process More info on Higher Apprenticeships
Feedback after the event via Survey Monkey I was very grateful that you allowed us to come - my son is at [another school]. No such event is organised at his school. Thanks Fantastically organised event! It would have been great to see more companies across a wider section of industries and commerce. The event was great! It was well organised and everyone was very helpful. However myself and my son did sit down at two tables only to discover that the apprenticeships being offered were not what he was looking for. We got a lot out of it and would definitely recommend to others! Thank you It was a valuable experience for us and our son and many thanks to everyone involved in organising it. More companies present, particularly people like British Gas and BT. One of my sons is former BT apprentice and regularly spoke at schools and career fairs regarding apprenticeships (So I'm sure they do this).