NMI Integration Testbed Mary Fran Yafchak NMI Integration Testbed Manager Southeastern Universities Research Association
NMI Integration Testbed Formally underway as of June 2002 Focused on integrating NMI components into campus enterprise and research applications Currently, 8 sites “+1”: UAB, UAH, UFL, FSU, GSU, TACC, UVA, UMich, + USC Evaluation activity: NMI Release 1 from July - September 2002 Evaluated NMI Release 2 from October March 2003 Preparing “as we speak” to evaluate NMI Release 3
NMI Integration Testbed CONTRIBUTORS DEVELOPERS SUPPORTERS USERS Implementers Target Communities NMI Integration Testbed NMI Participation UAB UAH UFL FSU GSU UMich TACC UVA ? future expansion Core Testbed Sites NMI Integration Testbed
NMI Testbed Process Individual site plans, refreshed per cycle Identify and track site contacts & resources, project & enterprise integration, local awareness activities and any planned expansion of site capabilities Release-specific Component Test Guidelines Developed with NMI developers and management team Most recent approach defines multiple evaluation levels Available for public reference on the Testbed Web Need to maintain balance - Input on new vs. deeper evaluation of mature components “Lab testing” vs. true project integration Bounding the scope of evaluation without “guiding the witness”
Some Highlights from the Sites Support middleware deployment by identifying common problems and sharing solutions Campus experiences implementing campus grids, research grids, enterprise-wide identity/directory services Most sites presented; all sites contributed! Covered policies, processes, technical implementation Materials available soon on Testbed Web site and also as input to NMI Outreach activities “Experiences in Middleware Deployment” (First NMI Testbed results workshop, April 8, right here at I2!)
Future Plans The evaluation beat goes on… Release 3 (April 2003), Release 4 (Fall 2003), Release 5 (Spring 2004) Continued project integration, providing case studies as additional models for deployment Additional input towards Outreach Increased identification of lessons learned - through evaluation reports, regular communication with NMI Outreach team, creating conditions for reflection (?!) More Testbed Results workshops R&E conference presentations (as resources permit...) SURA-PACS NMI Workshop (prototype under development)