Academic Standing Policy Review Academic Governing Council September 10, 2013
HLC Criteria for Accreditation: The institution makes readily available to students and to the general public clear and complete information including: Policies regarding academic good standing, probation and dismissal Policy Subsection 8.17 Academic Standing: Grand Rapids Community College requires all students to make satisfactory academic progress.
Michigan Community College Benchmark Information Policy Requirements. Policy Alignment With Financial Aid Warning And Suspension. Requirement For Probation Students Length Of Suspension And Appeal Process.
Review and Findings from Academic Standing Data Academic Standing Cohorts after 3 Years CohortsN = Starting Students N = Graduates/ Transferred/ Still Enrolled % Graduates/ Transferred/ Still Enrolled Baseline1, % Fall 20081, % Fall 20091, % Findings: Policy had a positive impact in year 1 with 8% increase in graduate/transfer/ still enrolled students. Year 2 cohort is 3% higher than baseline, but 5% less than cohort 1. Patterns were consistent across cohorts for ethnic groups, gender and age.
Academic Standing Process and Intervention Improvements Engagement and communication strategies implemented for student probation cohort Fall Reviewed the Academic Success Workshop curriculum and added a pre- and post-test data collection to inform future changes. Monitoring percent of students moving from probation to good academic standing after experiencing a downward trend.
Policy Subsection 8.17 Academic Standing: Grand Rapids Community College requires all students to make satisfactory academic progress. Rationale for Policy Change Language changes would reflect modified process. Improve engagement and success of our suspended students. Present suspension time period is not demonstrating success when students return. CLS 102 provides an experience and opportunity to improve learning and student success skills.
Proposed Recommendation for Policy Change Policy language updated. The student suspension period would be changed to two semesters/session. Early return option would be added: The early return after one semester/session would require enrollment in CLS 102 Practicing Strategies for Academic Success (or PY 97 Strategies for College and Life Success, if not passed) and a limit of eight (8) total credits for the semester. The immediate return appeal process remains unchanged.
Policy Language Update OLD To meet with an academic counselor/advisor prior to the fourth week of the semester/session following placement on academic probation. A registration hold will be placed on his/her account until he/she has met with a counselor/advisor. NEW To complete the Academic Success Workshop prior to the fourth week of the semester/session following placement on academic probation. A registration hold will be placed on the student’s account until this requirement has been met.
Policy Language Update OLD In collaboration with a counselor/advisor, the student will develop a written success plan. The plan may include limitations on enrollment and other forms of academic assistance. NEW In collaboration with a counselor/advisor, the student will complete a written success contract. Enrollment limitations may be recommended based on counselor/advisor success assessment.
Policy Language Update OLD The student will be prohibited from enrolling in classes at GRCC for one calendar year. NEW The student will be prohibited from enrolling in classes at GRCC for the next two subsequent semesters/session.
Policy Language Update OLD If the student is academically suspended due to circumstances beyond his/her reasonable control, he/she may appeal this suspension to the Academic Probation and Suspension Committee without waiting one calendar year. The Committee’s decision is final. NEW The student placed on suspension may appeal to the Academic Probation and Suspension Committee for immediate return. The Committee’s decision is final.
Policy Language Update OLD Student Records/Office of the Registrar and Counseling and Career Center in cooperation with the Academic Probation and Suspension Committee will communicate with all students in regards to this policy. Workshops will be offered prior to the implementation of this policy to minimize the number of students impacted. The Office of the Registrar will communicate with students placed on probation or as well as those suspension, and requesting to return. The Counseling and Career Center will offer support to students through workshops and individual meetings. The Academic Probation and Suspension Committee will review request for immediate readmission as well as requests after the calendar year suspension. NEW Student Records/Office of the Registrar and Counseling and Career Center in cooperation with the Academic Probation and Suspension Committee will communicate with all students in regards to this policy. Student Records will communicate with students placed or probation or suspension, and requesting to return. The Counseling and Career Center will offer support to students through workshops and individual meetings. The Academic Probation and Suspension Committee will review requests for immediate return.
Policy Language Update OLD Readmission for Academic Suspension Students may petition the Academic Probation and Suspension Committee for readmission following one calendar year of nonattendance at GRCC. As a condition of readmission, if petitions are honored, students must follow the specific recommendations of the committee. Additionally, students granted readmission will be placed on Academic Probation and will be expected to maintain a semester GPA of 2.0 or higher for subsequent semesters/sessions. NEW Return from Academic Suspension Students returning following a two semesters/session period, must complete and submit an Academic Suspension Return Form to the Student Records Office. Students following the early return option with enrollment conditions (CLS 102 Practicing Strategies for Academic Success or PY 97 Strategies for College and Life Success, if not passed and a limit of 8 total credits for the semester) after one semester/session, must complete and submit an Academic Suspension Form to the Student Records Office. Students will be expected to meet with a Counselor/Advisor prior to being able to register for classes and are expected to maintain a semester GPA of 2.0 or higher for subsequent semesters/sessions.