Choices for Grade /2017
Things to cover today: Diploma requirements Post Secondary planning Grade 12 Course Planning Course Selection
What you need to graduate 4 English (gr ) 3 Math (gr ) 2 Science (gr ) 1 The Arts (gr ) 1 Can. Geography (gr. 9) 1 Can. History (gr. 10) 1 French (gr. 9) 1 Health & Physical Ed. 1/2 Career Studies (gr. 10) ) 1/2 Civics (gr. 10) Compulsory Credits
GROUP 1 credit additional English or a French as a second language, or Native language, or a classical or an international language, or a Social Science or Canadian and World Studies or Guidance and Career Education or Cooperative Education* GROUP 2 credit Health and Phys. Ed. or Business Studies or the Arts or French as a second language or Cooperative Education* GROUP 3 credit Science or Technological Education or French as a second language or Cooperative Education* Other Credits You Must Have *A MAXIMUM OF 2 OF THESE ADDITIONAL COMPULSORY CREDITS MAY BY MET THROUGH COOPERATIVE EDUCATION
Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (EQAO) Unsuccessful? Option 1-Re-write this spring! Support (lunch, after school, Learning Strategies class) New students to the country MUST write the Literacy test Option 2-OLC4O0 Course -if you are unsuccessful after two attempts
Community Involvement (40 Hours) Your responsibility Four years to complete *See back of sheet for eligible activities More information: - “Student Stuff”
Planning for Grade 12 Backward Plan: Apprenticeship? Work? College? University? Cooperative Education Need to do more self assessment? Pick up list of internet resource sites from On-Call Counselor WORK COLLEGE
Destination Planning
University in Ontario: Six grade 12 U or M courses
College in Ontario: Grade 11/12 U/M/C
Applied Degrees: Six grade 12 U or M courses
Apprenticeship : OSSD - Diploma - math/science?
Work : OSSD – Diploma
Grade 12 Types of courses (same as grade11) College preparation (4C0) College/University preparation(4M0) Open (4OO) University (4U0) Workplace preparation (4E0) PATHWAY…PROGRAM…PREREQUISITES
Math for Grade 12 Math for Work and Everyday Life MEL 4E0 Foundations of College Mathematics MAP4C0 Mathematics for Technology MCT 4C0 Mathematics of Data Management MDM 4U0 Advanced Functions MHF 4U0 Calculus and Vectors MCV 4U0
Grade 11/12 Math Courses Grade 11/12 Math Course MEL3E0 MBF3C0 MCF3M0 MCR3U0 MCT4C0 Grade 12 Math Course MEL4E0 MAP4C0 MDM4U0 MCT4C0 MHF4U0 MHF4U0 MCV4U0
Cooperative Education Earn 4 credits by learning at work (COP4XC) Develop job-related skills and explore possible destinations 4 credits = 1 semester Assembly in April - application and interview Can return for one semester of Coop See Mr. Bredschneider or Mr. Robertson - Coop office
Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP ) Begin to earn your apprenticeship hours AND finish high school AT THE SAME TIME Provided through coop programs
Changes in PHE for PLF4C0 (Recreation and Fitness Leadership) PSE4U0 (Exercise Science) PLF4M0 ( Recreation and Healthy Active Living Leadership ) PSK4U0 (Introductory Kinesiology)
My Blueprint - Course Selection Step 1: Login to your account at
Or… sign in through BYOD in resources:
This is where you see course requirements for graduation. This is where you see your post-secondary opportunities across Canada based on your course selection. This is where you view other graduation requirements and your progress.
1. Click on a subject folder to review courses available. 2. Click on a course to read course prerequisites and description. 3. Click ‘Add Course to Plan’ in the bottom right corner. Note: You can use the Grade dropdown or search filters to find a course.
1.Submitting a plan with a missing prerequisite will result in this error message. 2.Do not click ‘confirm and print’ 3. Click ‘Return to Plan’ and review your course selections. 3
1.If you clicked ‘Submit’ and do not have a full course load, then you will get the error message shown. Click ‘Cancel’ and return to course selection. 2. If you ignore Step 1, you will receive the error messages resulting in the ‘Insufficient Credits’ error on the Verification Form / Sign-Off Sheet.
1.A plan that meets all graduation requirements will result in the checkmark shown. 2.Submit your plan by clicking ‘Submit’ Note: Only your next year grade courses will be submitted even if multiple years have been planned.
1.Submit your courses by clicking ‘Confirm and Print’. 2.A pop-up window may appear, click ‘OK’ to finalize the submission of your plan. Note: Be sure to review your course selections as you will not be able to change your selections in myBlueprint once submitted.
Commitment to academic success Gr. 11 teachers’ RECOMMENDATIONS Academic achievement so far Areas of interest, learning style Possible destinations & requirements realistic Think about:
That Coop program looks really good! Speak to the teachers at the Course Fair this Thursday and Friday in the Senior Study Check the course descriptions on the myblueprint site See the on call counselor on your lunch
Final reminders Select a minimum of SEVEN courses as a gr. 12 student if you are returning for a full year. Apply online at or BYOD->resources->myblueprint Choose your courses by February 12. Make sure you have the proper prerequisites
More notes Students considering vocal jazz or stage band are to consult the music department. (these course codes are not available for selection on myblueprint) Two credit Summer Coop applications will be available at the beginning of semester 2. Summer school course information will be out in April. Online application will start the beginning of May.
The window is now open Good luck