District Problem of Practice: Interacting with our learning objective Relative Pronouns District Problem of Practice: Interacting with our learning objective identify, use, and understand the function of the following parts of speech in the context of reading, writing, and speaking[7.19A] today we address pronouns, relative pronouns to be exact
What Are Relative Pronouns? A relative pronoun is a pronoun that introduces an adjective clause (a/k/a relative clause). The relative pronouns are: That That Which Which Who Who Whom Whom Whose Whose used to start a description for a noun A relative pronoun is used to start a description for a noun. (This description is called an adjective clause, or a relative clause.) The description comes after the noun to either: (1) identify it or (2) tell us more information about it. Laying the foundation for the learning today
used to start a description for a noun identify it, your writing will look like this: A relative pronoun is used to start a description for a noun. If it is to identify it, your writing will look like this: The lady who made your dress is waiting outside. The noun is lady. The relative pronoun is who. The adjective clause identifying the lady is who made your dress. I saw the dog which ate the cake. The noun being identified is dog. The relative pronoun is which. The adjective clause identifying the dog is which ate the cake. We did not know the tune that had been playing. The noun being identified is tune. The relative pronoun is that. The adjective clause identifying the tune is that had been playing. NOTICE: These adjective clauses are essential (needed). Laying the foundation for the learning today
Team Competition Time…identify the relative pronoun and its clause 1. The teacher who gave you the pass is waiting outside. Relative pronoun: Clause: Clause: 2. I drew the house which the architect built. Relative pronoun: Clause: Clause: 3. We did not know the kid that had been crying. Relative pronoun: Clause: Clause: used to start a description for a noun) identify, use, and understand the function ( used to start a description for a noun) of relative pronouns {7.19A]
Answers for Team Competition Time…identify the relative pronoun and its clause who 1.The teacher who gave you the pass is waiting outside. which 2.I drew the house which the architect built. that 3. We did not know the kid that had been crying. used to identify, use, and understand the function ( used to start a description for a noun) start a description for a noun) of relative pronouns {7.19A]
used to start a description for a noun tell us more information about it, your writing will look like this: A relative pronoun is used to start a description for a noun. If it is to tell us more information about it, your writing will look like this: Mrs. Miggins, who owns a pie shop, is waiting outside. The noun is Mrs. Miggins. The adjective clause tells us some information about her: she owns a pie shop. I rode my bike, which now had two flat tires, back home. The noun is bike. The adjective clause tells us some information about it: it has two flat tires. NOTICE: These adjective clauses are set off in commas and they are nonessential (not needed). Laying the foundation for the learning today
Team Competition Time…identify the relative pronoun and it’s clause 1. Summer, who has seven cats, is waiting by the gym. Relative pronoun: Relative pronoun: Clause: Clause: 2. I rode a taxi, which looked like a garbage truck, to Taco Bell. Relative pronoun: Relative pronoun: Clause: Clause: 3. Our school, which has a clown mascot, is known for creepy uniforms. Relative pronoun: Relative pronoun: Clause: Clause: used to start a description for a noun) identify, use, and understand the function ( used to start a description for a noun) of relative pronouns {7.19A]
Answers for Team Competition Time…identify the relative pronoun and its clause who 1.Summer, who has seven cats, is waiting by the gym. which 2.I rode a taxi, which looked like a garbage truck, to Taco Bell. which 3.Our school, which has a clown mascot, is known for creepy uniforms. used to start a description for a noun) identify, use, and understand the function ( used to start a description for a noun) of relative pronouns {7.19A]
Directions: Use your knowledge of relative pronouns to create ONE sentence using a relative clause for identifying something in the room. Use your knowledge of relative pronouns to create ONE sentence using an adjective clause for telling more information about something in the room. used to start a description for a noun) TEKS: identify, use, and understand the function ( used to start a description for a noun) of relative pronouns {7.19A] identify it A relative pronoun is used to start a description for a noun. (This description is called an adjective clause or a relative clause.) The description comes after the noun to identify it or tell us more information about it. identify it examples (essential): The lady who made your dress is waiting outside. I saw the dog which ate the cake. We did not know the tune that had been playing. tell us more information about it : tell us more information about it examples (nonessential): Mrs. Miggins, who owns a pie shop, is waiting outside. I rode my bike, which now had two flat tires, back home.
used to start a description for a noun) identify, use, and understand the function ( used to start a description for a noun) of relative pronouns {7.19A] Campus Problem of Practice: Analysis in writing Analyze your notes we have taken today and discuss with your teammates what the function of relative pronouns are in descriptive writing. In two to three sentences, explain why using relative pronouns strengthens essay writing in OERs, lab write ups in science, and social studies assignments.
Debrief Hands up/ Stand up/ Pair up 1. Name the 5 relative pronouns 2. Use them to describe something you have seen in the cafeteria.
Attributed by 0/what-are-relative-pronouns-with- examples.html 0/what-are-relative-pronouns-with- examples.html Sept. 19, 2015