1. On your own sheet of paper, compare and contrast characteristics of Medieval (Middle Ages) and Renaissance art.
Medieval Primary focus: Heavenly figures. Art to glorify God. Golden/plain backgrounds Showed emphasis by making focal point larger than other images. Figures were not in proportion. Renaissance (REBIRTH) Primary focus: The world around the artist Used ONE POINT LINEAR PERSPECTIVE and backgrounds were elaborate and featured buildings and landscapes Figures were correctly proportioned
On your paper give the artist name and title of the following artworks.
2. Name the ARTIST and TITLE Leonardo DaVinci, The Mona Lisa
3. Name the ARTIST and TITLE Leonardo DaVinci, The Last Supper
4. Name the ARTIST and TITLE Leonardo DaVinci, The Annunciation
5. Name the ARTIST and TITLE Michelangelo, The Sistine Chapel
6. Name the ARTIST and TITLE Michelangelo, The Sistine Chapel Creation of Adam
7. Name the ARTIST and TITLE Raphael, The School of Athens
I can define all perspective terms and draw an object using one-point linear perspective. 8. In your OWN words define the following terms: 1.One point linear perspective 2.Picture plane 3.Horizon line 4.Vanishing Point 5.Orthogonal lines
9. Explain the steps to completing a simple one-point perspective drawing. Imagine you are explaining this to your friend who knows nothing about perspective.
New Learning Targets: I can evaluate a landscape and name the type of perspective used. I can compare and contrast different techniques used in Asian landscapes vs. traditional landscapes. I can identify the foreground, middle ground, and background in an artwork.
LANDSCAPE (Genre) An artwork representing a view from nature. This can be an actual scene or an imaginary scene.
Size and Vertical Location Since objects in our environment look smaller when they are farther away, the easiest way to show depth is to vary the size of objects. CLOSER objects being LARGER and more DISTANT objects being SMALLER.
Overlapping When objects are partially obscured by other objects in front of them, we perceive them as further back than the covering objects. We do not see them as incomplete forms, just further back.
Linear Perspective Based on the idea that all lines will converge to a common point on the horizon called the vanishing point.
Linear Perspective
Casual Perspective Using space to create an illusion of depth or distance. This was used in many Asian landscapes. Notice the different in the Asian landscape on the left and a traditional landscape on the right.
ATMOSPHERIC PERSPECTIVE : The diminishing of color intensity to lighter or duller hues to give the illusion of distance.
FOREGROUND: Area in the drawing that seems to be the closest to the viewer. MIDDLEGROUND: The middle area in a drawing, between the foreground and the background. BACKGROUND: The area furthest away in a landscape or the area around the subject matter in a drawing.