1 CDDLM: CDL Examples Jun Tatemura NEC Laboratories America Feb 1, 2006 GGF OGSA/CDDLM session
2 Example 1: Application Server Web server database server Component provider Component user I want to make my web application ready to use DB app PC Linux Tomcat PC Linux MySQL (any) level of abstraction Configurable parameters are provided to give users control
3 Component Description Components are provided by component providers CDDLM does not specify what should/should not be provided as a component com.example.WebServer 80 <datasource cdl:type=“web:datasource”/> com.example.DBServer 3306 You may add any properties which can be seen as configurable parameters (Note: overlap/relationship between configurable parameters and resource parameters)
4 System composition through Inheritance User will use component definitions to compose a system CDL supports prototype-based inheritance to do that CDL supports value references to relate values in components productinfo web
5 System Template Through Parameterization User can create a custom template with parameters which will be filled later … <MyServer cdl:extends=“MyServerTmpl”> …. … productinfo For each deployment: (Note: this may be useful for provisioning…)
6 Example 2: HPC Applications Suppose you want to run simulations with various data and/or codes Component provider provides common configurable platforms app code data job Scheduling of computation is out of scope of CDDLM dispatcherworker Component provider Component user (any) level of abstraction
7 Component Description Again, a provider can provide any components.. or Alternatively, you can provide (1) Simulator application so the user only need to specify data Or (2) Linux boxes to let the user install everything
8 System Composition.. … uri of speficic data 8
9 Further Examples: Platform Stack? We can also think of composition of components in different platform layers (if you want…) CDDLM does not care how they are physically related to each other server DB machine App server Linux App server DB