Education and Children’s Services Pupilwise & Parentwise Combined Sectors Survey Results Logo designed by Coaltown of Wemyss Pupil
Education and Children’s Services The presentation provides: Fife wide results - the combined sectors: nursery, primary, secondary & special schools and Pupil Support Services for each individual question – both pupil and parent views. Fife-wide emerging strengths and areas for focussed attention Next steps – expectation that individual & Fife-wide results, along with own consultation activities will influence improvement planning. Nursery & schools will share the highlights/key messages from their reports with pupils, parents & staff Fife-wide report for parents sent to schools/PC Chairs & published online Any questions/comments/suggestions – please contact the Surveys Steering Group through Jacqueline Price, EO
Education and Children’s Services 23,047 children and young people in Fife Nursery – 963 P1-3 – 3,395 P4-7 – 10,283 S1-6 – 8,296 Special – 25 PSS – 85
Education and Children’s Services 3,162 parents took part in Fife 302 parents of children at nursery 826 parents of P1-3 children 979 parents of P4-7 children 1,032 parents of young people in S parents of children and young people in Special Schools
Education and Children’s Services Views of children and young people in nursery, primary, secondary & special schools and PSS
Education and Children’s Services Pupilwise - Safe and Nurtured A.I feel safe and cared for in school 81% B.At least one adult knows me well 74% C.I know who to go to in school if I am upset or worried about something 83% D.People in school are good at helping me sort things out 67% E.In school, I learn how to stay safe when I am using technology to communicate with others (such as the internet, social networking, mobile phones, , etc. 84%
Education and Children’s Services Pupilwise - Healthy and Active A.In school, I learn about healthy life choices (such as healthy eating, taking exercise, risks of alcohol, drugs, smoking, etc.) 85% B.I get time to exercise at school 89% C.People in school help me learn how to be a good friend 73% D.My school is helping me to become more confident 70% E.I am happy at school 73%
Education and Children’s Services Pupilwise - Achieving and Responsible A.Staff talk to me about how I can improve my learning 73% B.I think I am making good progress in my learning 78% C.People in school help me with my learning when I need it 79% D.My school knows about the things I am good at 61% E.My school knows what I like doing when I am not at school 37% F.I enjoy learning at school 73% G.My school helps me to think about how I can be involved in improving my community 58%
Education and Children’s Services Pupilwise - Respected and Included A.Staff listen to me and pay attention to what I say 72% B.I am treated fairly by staff in school 73% C.I am treated with respect by other pupils in school 61% D.My school is good at helping pupils behave well 64% E.My school makes sure I know about my rights and responsibilities 83%
Education and Children’s Services Pupilwise - Transitions A.I was given help by school to feel prepared for my move from primary to secondary school 77% B.S1 only - Overall, when I started school, I felt that my learning was at the right level for me 69% C.S4,5 & 6 only – I have been given support to think about what I want to do when I leave school 58% D.S4,5 &6 only – I have been given help to find out about day opportunities, further education, training and or job opportunities in preparation for leaving school 55%
Education and Children’s Services Views of parents with children in nursery, primary, secondary & special schools and PSS
Education and Children’s Services Parentwise - Safe and Nurtured A.My child feels safe and cared for at school 90% B.I feel staff know my child as an individual and supports them well 83% C.I know who to go to contact if I am upset or worried about something that is affecting my child 92% D.If things go wrong, people in school are good at helping to sort things out 77% E.My school shares information with me about how my child can stay safe when using technology to communicate with others (such as the internet, social networking, mobile phones, , etc. 63%
Education and Children’s Services Parentwise - Healthy and Active A.The school provides a range of opportunities for my child to take part in exercise 88% B.The school encourages my child to make healthy life choices (for example, by teaching about exercise, healthy eating and the dangers of drugs, alcohol and smoking) 86% C.The school helps my child learn how to make good friends and develop good relationships 78% D.I feel my child is happy at school 88%
Education and Children’s Services Parentwise - Achieving and Responsible A.The school keeps me well informed about my child’s progress 79% B.I am happy with my child’s progress in school 84% C.The school recognises my child’s achievements 81% D.The school provides me with information about how I can support my child’s learning at home 71% E.My child is learning to be more confident, independent and responsible at school 86%
Education and Children’s Services Respected and Included A.The school asks for my views 70% B.The school takes my views into account 60% C.I feel welcome in school 87% D.I am kept well informed about the life of the school (eg: information letters, , school websites etc.) 91% E.The school helps to prepare my child for transition from primary to secondary and for leaving school 77% F.Overall, I am happy with the school 85%
Education and Children’s Services Emerging themes – strengths include: Survey made accessible for younger children and children with additional support needs – this is first time we have gathered views in this way. Positive responses overall from children and parents. Pupils feeling safe and nurtured, being supported in making healthy choices and being provided with opportunities to take part in exercise Pupils being aware of their rights and responsibilities Very positive responses from the 75 pupil respondents accessing PSS Improved experiences of looked after children (480 pupils identified themselves as LAC) Greater awareness of young carers (7,014 pupils identified themselves as YCs – see last slide) Parents feeling that their children are safe and cared for, knowing who to contact if they are worried, and feeling kept well informed about the life of the school.
Education and Children’s Services Emerging themes – areas for focused attention include: Quality learning conversations – need to further improve feedback about learning, increase awareness of progress & support available, more enjoyment of learning. Relationships & resilience – providing more help and support to encourage positive friendships, peer respect, self-confidence, happiness and the ability to cope with peer issues. Personal achievement - better recognition of talents, interests and achievements in and out of school. Parental involvement – views being taken into account, knowing how they can support learning at home, more advice about keeping their children safe when using technology. Transitions – further preparation for children moving from nursery to primary and primary to secondary.
Education and Children’s Services Next steps include… Schools using individual reports to contribute to self-evaluation / school improvement planning Authority using Fife –wide reports to contribute to improvement planning across a range of strategic groups Explore focus group responses & plan appropriate response Provide feedback and next steps to respondents
Education and Children’s Services Young Carers Question Guidance note included in presentation to pupils: You will be asked if you have a caring responsibility in your family to help us know if you are a Young Carer. A Young Carer is not just someone who is young and who cares about their family. A Young Carer is someone who regularly looks after a family member who has an illness or disability. The survey is asking about this so that we can make sure Young Carers are being supported well in school. Survey question - I often help to look after a family member who has an illness or disability (this includes someone who has a drug or alcohol problem). When pupils identified themselves as a Young Carer or indicated that they were unsure about this, they were directed to an information page.