Film Industry Essay How does the film industry’s organisation and / or its controls affect it, and what are the implications of this influence?
How do two features of organisation affect the NZ Film Industry? How do two features of control affect the NZ Film Industry? Introductions: “The NZ film industry is project-based and it is common for a production company to be formed and disbanded for one film project”. “Since the establishment of the NZ Film commission in 1978 the NZ film industry has been stilted and contrived”. “NZ film’s are project-based rather than studio based like Hollywood and are more susceptible to external controls under pressure from funding and biased choices by government producers”
Film making in New Zealand was driven by individuals who were passionate about the art. It was more a hobby than an industry right up until 1978 when people in the industry lobbied the government to establish the New Zealand Film Commission.
The NZ film industry is more healthy now than ever before Idea and explanation Before Film Commission Act NZ’s film experience came from Hollywood Implications
The NZ film industry is more healthy now than ever before Idea and explanation Before Film Commission Act NZ’s film experience came from Hollywood – Small no’s of NZ films cf overall screenings – Cringe factor – Few early NZ filmmakers – Campaign for better industry organisation and govt support – Industry quotes Implications
The NZ film industry is more healthy now than ever before Idea and explanation Before Film Commission Act NZ’s film experience came from Hollywood – Small no’s of NZ films cf overall screenings – Cringe factor – Early NZ filmmakers – Campaign for better industry organisation and govt support – Industry quotes Implications Cultural representation and identity issues – “We were exiles in our own country” (Ruth Harley) The industry has become much more successful – statistics and examples
NZFC is an external control and has a great influence on the industry Idea and explanation 1. How NZFC is organised, its goals, criteria & statement of intent (app. 3) eg: Implications
NZFC is an external control and has a great influence on the industry Idea and explanation 1 How NZFC is organised, its goals, criteria & statement of intent (app. 3) eg: – Cultural capital earned by telling our stories – Talent pathway – NZ and international profile of NZ films & filmmakers – Criteria for funding Implications
NZFC is an external control and has a great influence on the industry Idea and explanation 1. How NZFC is organised, its goals, criteria & statement of intent (app. 3) eg: – Cultural capital earned by telling our stories – Talent pathway – NZ and international profile of NZ films & filmmakers – Criteria for funding Implications Are cultural and economic benefits at expense of creativity? – Criticism towards NZFC – NZFC has too much control? Raises question of what is a NZ film – Peter Wells’ letter
NZFC is an external control and has a great influence on the industry Idea and explanation 2. NZFC provides funds and incentives for the industry: Implications
Idea and Explanation NZFC is an external control and has a great influence on the industry 2. NZFC provides funds and incentives for the industry – Short Film Fund (especially for Maori stories via Whenua Films eg Two Cars One Night) – Film Fund (for features eg Whale Rider) – LBSPGS (15% rebate on films with budgets over $15m eg The Last Samurai) Implications
Idea and Explanation NZFC is an external control and has a great influence on the industry 2. NZFC provides funds and incentives for the industry – Short Film Fund (especially for Maori stories via Whenua Films eg Two Cars One Night) – Film Fund (for features eg Whale Rider) – LBSPGS (15% rebate on films with budgets over $15m eg The Last Samurai) Implications Is the funding criteria too narrow? To what extent does the NZFC nurture the industry? Does the LBSPGS take money away from NZ or does it benefit the local industry by encouraging overseas films to be made here?
Idea and Explanation Other external controls on the industry Other funding providers and controls Implications
Idea and Explanation Other external controls on the industry Other funding providers and controls: – Creative NZ – NZOn Air (especially funding for documentary film) – Film NZ and Trade NZ (promoting NZ as location) – Audience – Exhibitors – Reviewers – Distribution Companies Implications
Idea and Explanation Other external controls on the industry Other funding providers and controls: – Creative NZ – NZOn Air (especially funding for documentary film) – Film NZ and Trade NZ (promoting NZ as location) – Audience – Exhibitors – Reviewers – Distribution Companies Implications How well supported is the industry by the government Should the industry be more self reliant and be funded privately? How well do NZ films do at the box office? Are NZ films getting enough distribution and marketing?
Idea and Explanation Successful production companies and directors (internal controls) Successful NZ production companies and directors have contributed hugely to the industry eg Implications
Idea and Explanation Successful production companies and directors (internal controls) Successful NZ production companies and directors have contributed hugely to the industry eg – South Pacific Pictures – Weta Digital and Weta Workshop – Peter Jackson – Niki Caro – Roger Donaldson….. Implications
Idea and Explanation Successful production companies and directors (internal controls) Successful NZ production companies and directors have contributed hugely to the industry eg – South Pacific Pictures – Weta Digital and Weta Workshop – Peter Jackson – Niki Caro – Roger Donaldson….. Implications How the industry has benefited from successful companies Animosity between NZFC and John Barnett and Peter Jackson – how well founded? What happens when directors leave NZ?
Idea and Explanation Support organisations and their roles (internal controls) There are a number of effective support organisations which promote and care for the industry: Implications
Idea and Explanation Support organisations and their roles (internal controls) There are a number of effective support organisations which promote and care for the industry: SPADA WIFT Video and Film Technicians Guild (Blue Book) Implications
Idea and Explanation Support organisations and their roles (internal controls) There are a number of effective support organisations which promote and care for the industry: SPADA WIFT Video and Film Technicians Guild (Blue Book) Implications How vulnerable or well supported is the industry? What opportunities do these organisations provide?