新强子态唯象理论进展 中国物理学会高能物理分会第八届全国会员代表大会暨学术年会 4 月 日 南昌 刘 翔 兰州大学 物理科学与技术学院
Charmonium-like stateCharmonium-like state X(3872), [Z(4430),Z(4051),Z(4248)], [Y(3930),Y(4140)] [X(3915), Z(3930),X(4350)] [X(3915), Z(3930),X(4350)] Charmed-strange stateCharmed-strange state DsJ(2710), DsJ(2860), DsJ(3040) Bottom-strange stateBottom-strange state Bs1(5830), Bs2(5840) Bs1(5830), Bs2(5840) Y(2175)-Y(4260)-Y(10870)Y(2175)-Y(4260)-Y(10870) SummarySummary Outline
Charmonium-like state X X
X(3872) observation PRL93, (2004) PRL93, (2004) PRD71, (2005)PRD73, (2006) B factories in B decays X(3872) first seen in B →K J/ π + π – PRL91, (2003) M(J/ π + π – ) 10 first M X close to D 0 D *0 threshold (not clear below or above) M = ±0.6 MeV M X – M DD* = (–0.4 0.7) MeV/c 2 surprisingly narrow: Γ tot < 2.3 MeV at 90% CL M(ππ) tends to kinematic limit ππ= ? Isospin violation! only J PC =1 ++ and J PC = 2 –+ PRL98, (2007) CDF 790fb -1 : X→J/ π + π – angular analysis 1 新强子态唯象理论进展 兰州大学
Tetraquark (cq)(cq): L.Maiani, A.D.Polosa, V.Riquer, F.Piccini; D.Ebert, R.N.Faustov, V.O.Galkin 3 states (cu)(cu), (cd)(cu), (cd)(cd) with a few MeV mass splitting Hybrid (ccg) F.E.Close and P.R. Page Threshold cusp D.V.Bugg ─ ─ ─ ─ 2 新强子态唯象理论进展 兰州大学 conventional charmonium J PC =1 ++ corresponds to c1 (2 3 P 1 ) expected Γ( c1 ′ J/ )/ Γ( c1 ′ J/ ) ~30 measured ratio < 0.2 ~ 100MeV/c 2 lighter than expected. D 0 D *0 molecular state: (the most popular option) E.S.Swanson, F.E.Close and P.R. Page, M.B.Voloshin... Explanations to X(3872) B0B0 X(3872) – B-B- M(J/ π – π 0 ) X(3872) – PRD71, (2005) NO evidence of X – (3872) J/ – 0 excludes isovector hypothesis 3872
3 新强子态唯象理论进展 兰州大学 PRD77, (2008) 8.6σ 2.3σ B + →XK + B 0 →XK 0 s BELLE-CONF B + →XK + B 0 →XK 0 s 5.9 X(3872)→J/ψπ + π – Br(B 0 →XK 0 ) / Br(B + →XK + ) = 0.41 ± 0.24 ± ± 0.22 ± 0.05 Molecular state: the theoretical prediction is less than 0.1 Br(B 0 →XK 0 ) Br(J/ – + ) = (6.65 ± 1.63 ± 1.00)x10 –6 PRL102, (2009) Relatively large Br(X→ (2S)γ) is inconsistent with a pure D 0 D *0 molecular interpretation for X(3872) ─ Swanson, PLB598, 197 (2004) Experimental evidence against the molecular assignment
4 新强子态唯象理论进展 兰州大学 What is the structure of X(3872)? Reexamine the X(3872) by potential model Disfavorone pion Disfavor the molecular explanation if only considering one pion exchange If including vector meson exchange, there exist the possibility of DD^* molecular state assignment for X(3872). However it is dependent on the parameter space. Dynamics calculation Liu, Liu, Deng, Zhu, EPJC56, 63 (2008) Liu, Luo, Liu, Zhu, EPJC61, 411 (2009) Suzuki, PRD72, Meng, Chao, arXiv:hep-ph/ Zhu, IJMP, E17, 283 Liu, Liu, Deng, Zhu, EPJC56, 63 Mixing mechanism =Coupled channel effect c c
5 新强子态唯象理论进展 兰州大学 Z(4430) - Z(4051) - Z(4248) - charged charmonium-like state If this result is confirmed first observation of a genuine ccud “exotic” state, since it is charged and carries hidden charm. B→Z-K Z-→ψ(2S)π- Z(4430) 6.5σ PRL100, (2008) arXiv: [hep-ex] No significant Z(4430) signal is observed PRD78, (2008) Z(4051) Z(4248)
6 新强子态唯象理论进展 兰州大学 Rosner S-wave threshold effect of D1(2420)-D*(2010) (Meng, Chao), DingD1(2420)D*(2010) molecule (Maiania, Polosa, Riquerd) and (Gershtein, Likhoded, Pronko) Tetraquark state Cheuanga, Keung, Yuan Bottom analog of Z(4430) assuming it is a tetraquark bound state Lee, Mihara, Navarra, Nielsen QSR D1(2420)D*(2010) BuggCusp effect (Braatten, Lu) Studying the Line shape of Z(4430) Li, Lv, Wang Partners of Z(4430) and Productions in B Decays Qiao Liu, Zhao, Close The photoproduction of Z(4430) Explanations for Z(4430) Liu, Luo, Liu, Zhu, EPJC61, 411 (2009) Liu, Zhang, PRC80, (2009) Z(4051) disfavor a D*D* molecular state? __ Z(4248): disfavor D1 D or D0 D* molecular state! Ding, PRD79, (2009)
7 新强子态唯象理论进展 兰州大学 Phys.Rev.Lett.102:242002,2009 Phys.Rev.Lett.94: (2005) Phys.Rev.Lett.101: (2008) Y(3930) Y(4140 )
8 新强子态唯象理论进展 兰州大学 Liu & Zhu, PRD80, (2009) Mahajan, PLB679,228 (2009) Branz, Gutsche, Lyubovitskij, PRD80, (2009) Explanation of Y(4140) and Y(3930) Dynamics calculation: Liu, Luo, Liu, Zhu, EPJC61, (2009) Ding, EPJC64, (2009) Other interpretations: Dynamically generated resonances Molina, Oset, arXiv: [hep-ph] Tetraquark state Stancu, arXiv: [hep-ph]
D-wave S-wave 9 新强子态唯象理论进展 兰州大学 Decay Patterns of Y (4140) and Y (3930) Such a D-wave decay width should be much smaller than that for the above hidden charm S-wave decay mode! The open-charm decay widths are comparable to the hidden-charm decay width Open charm and hidden charm two-body decays Open charm and hidden charm two-body decays Radiative decays Liu & Ke, PRD80, (2009) Liang, Molina, Oset, arXiv: [hep-ph] exclude P-wave charmonium explanation for Y(4140) Liu, PLB680, 137 (2009): exclude P-wave charmonium explanation for Y(4140)
10 新强子态唯象理论进展 兰州大学 Phys.Rev.Lett.104:112004,2010 X(4350) X(3915) Phys.Rev.Lett.104:092001,2010 arXiv: [hep-ex] Z(3930) Phys.Rev.Lett.96:082003,2006 Z(3930)
11 新强子态唯象理论进展 兰州大学
Charmed-strange state
12 新强子态唯象理论进展 兰州大学 Phys.Rev.Lett.97:222001,2006Phys.Rev.Lett.100:092001,2008 Phys.Rev.D80:092003,2009 DsJ(2710) DsJ(2860) DsJ(3040) hep-ex/ Belle
1D assignment to DsJ(2710) can be excluded. Obtained ratio of D*K/DK is consistent with experimental data. Phys.Rev.D80:092003, 新强子态唯象理论进展 兰州大学
It can be fully excluded since DsJ(2860)->D*K channel was observed ar BaBar Phys.Rev.D80:092003,2009 Babar data D*K/DK=0.36, which is smaller than experimental value Ratio of D*K/DK consistent with experimental data 14 新强子态唯象理论进展 兰州大学
Sun, Liu, PRD80, S state DsJ(2710): 1 - 1D state DsJ(2860) Matsuki, Morii, Sudoh, EPJA31, 701 (2007) Chen, Wang, Zhang, PRD80, (2009) A semi-classic flux tube model Zhong, Zhao, PRD81, (2009) Constituent quark model with effective Lagrangian Colangelo, Fazio, arXiv: [hep-ph] Effective Lagrangian approach 15 新强子态唯象理论进展 兰州大学
The situation of bottom-strange meson is similar to that of charmed-strange meson before 2003 Bottom-strange state
Phys.Rev.Lett.100:082002,2008 Phys.Rev.Lett.100:082001,2008 CDF D0 [23] Godfrey, Kokoski, PRD43, 1679 (1991) [24] Eichten, Hill, Quigg, PRL71, 4116 (1993) [27] Falk, Mehen, PRD53, 231 (1996) [29] Colangelo, De Fazio, Ferrandes, NPB. proc. Suppl.163, 177 (2007) [31] Zhong, Zhao, PRD78, (2008) Luo, Chen, Liu, PRD79, (2009) Strong decay Luo, Chen, Liu, Zhu, EPJC60, 403 (2009) Semileptonic decay 16 新强子态唯象理论进展 兰州大学
PRD74, (2006) PRL100, (2008) PRD80, (2009) BES [1] BaBar, PRD74, (2006) [2] BES, PRL100, (2008) [3] BELLE, PRD80, (2009) [4] BES, PLB685, 27 (2010) [5] BaBar, PRD77, (2008) Y(2175) 17 新强子态唯象理论进展 兰州大学
Y(4260) 18 新强子态唯象理论进展 兰州大学
Energy scan above Υ(4S) to search for counterpart of Y(4260) in bottomonium sector: study cross section of e + e → Υ(nS)π + π , (n=1, 2, 3) New bottomoniumlike state or anoumalous large Υ(5S) → Υ(nS)ππ decay Υ(5S) : m= GeV Г=110 MeV Y(10870) arXiv: Phys.Rev.Lett.100:112001, 新强子态唯象理论进展 兰州大学
Strange Charm Bottom Y(2175)Y(4260)Y(10870) 20 新强子态唯象理论进展 兰州大学
Summary X, Y, Z Charmonium-like state X, Y, Z Distinguish the conventional charmonium state and exotic states Distinguish the conventional charmonium state and exotic states Above the thresholds of a pair of charmed mesons Above the thresholds of a pair of charmed mesons Important non-perturbative effect Coupled-channel effect Important non-perturbative effect Coupled-channel effect Mass spectrum + Production + Decay Mass spectrum + Production + Decay More experimental information is needed More experimental information is needed Charmed-strange meson DsJ(3040) 2P state (1+ state in S doublet) Four states DsJ(2860)+DsJ(2710) S and 1D states Six states The experimental search for charmed-strange meson with high radial excitation 21 新强子态唯象理论进展 兰州大学
Bottom-strange meson Bs1(5930)+Bs2(5940) 2P states in T doublet (1+,2+) Bs1(5930)+Bs2(5940) 2P states in T doublet (1+,2+) Two 2P states in S doublet (0+, 2+) are missing Two 2P states in S doublet (0+, 2+) are missing Nowadays, the situation of bottom-strange meson family is very similar Nowadays, the situation of bottom-strange meson family is very similar to that of charmed-strange meson family before 2003 to that of charmed-strange meson family before 2003 Future experiments LHCb? Future experiments LHCb? Y(2175) Y(4260) Y(10870) Similar decay channel phi pi pi J/psi pi pi Upsilon(nS) pi pi Similar decay channel phi pi pi J/psi pi pi Upsilon(nS) pi pi Similar theoretical explanation Hybrid Mutiquark state Molecular state Similar theoretical explanation Hybrid Mutiquark state Molecular state Distinguish different theoretical assignments Distinguish different theoretical assignments Y(2175) BESIII Y(2175) BESIII Y(4260) Exotic state? Other mechanisms? Y(4260) Exotic state? Other mechanisms? Y(10870) Upsilon(5S)? exotic state? Y(10870) Upsilon(5S)? exotic state? 22 新强子态唯象理论进展 兰州大学
Charmonium-like states X, Y, Z Charmed-strange meson DsJ Bottom-strange meson BsJ Light hadrons X(1860), X(1835), Y(2175) …… hadron physics New hadron state: an active research field in hadron physics BESIII Super B PANDALHCb Y(4260) DsJ(2317) DsJ(2460) X(1860) + …… More efforts:theoretical workexperiment More efforts: theoretical work + experiment 23 新强子态唯象理论进展 兰州大学
Thank you for your attention!
2 新强子态 兰州大学 Backup slides
DsJ(2317) Phys.Rev.Lett.90:242001, 新强子态唯象理论进展 兰州大学 Phys.Rev.D68:032002,2003 DsJ(2460) C Charmed-strange The low mass puzzle of DsJ (2317) and DsJ (2460) Four-quark state? S. Godfrey and R. Kokoski, PRD 43, 1679 (1991); S. Godfrey and N. Isgur, PRD 32, 189 (1985); M. Di Pierro and E. Eichten, PRD 64, (2001) Experimental masses are 100 MeV lower than the expected values in quark models Barnes, Close, Lipkin PRD68, (2003) Cheng, Hou, PLB566, 193 (2003) Chen, Li, PRL93, (2004) van Beveren, Rupp, PRL91, (2003) RSE EPJC32, 493 (2004) Dai, Li, Zhu, Zuo, EPJC55, 249 (2008) QSR Liu , Liu , Zhu PRD79, (2009) CHPT Coupled-channel effect plays an important role to understand the low mass puzzle Godfrey, PLB568, 254 (2003) Colangelo, De Fazio, PLB570, 180 (2003). Dai, Huang, Liu, Zhu, PRD68, (2003)
e + e – →J/ψπ + π – γ ISR Y(4260)... Y(4008)? Y(4260) Y(4008) arXiv: Absence of open charm production is inconsistent with conventional charmonium < % CL 7.5±0.9±0. 8 Br(J/ψπ + π – )Γ ee, eV Solution1 Y(4008) Solution2 Solution1 Y(4260) Solution2 21 新强子态唯象理论进展 兰州大学
Y(4360)→ψ(2S)ππ PRL 98, (2007) 298 fb -1 Y(4660)? e + e – →ψ(2S) π + π – γ ISR Y(4360), Y(4660)... Absence of open charm production is inconsistent with conventional charmonium Y(4360) 8σ Y(4660) 5.8σ 670 fb -1 PRL 99, (2007) 2-BW fit with interference Y(4660) 6.1σ Y(4360) PRD 78, (2008) Combined fit to BaBar&Belle data on e + e – → (2S) π + π – γ ISR Assume all the cross sections are due to Y(4360) and Y(4660) added coherently Br(ψ(2S)π + π – )Γ ee, eV Solution1 Solution2 Y(4360) Y(4660) Best measurements of Y(4360) and Y(4660)