Departments HIGH SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS “Accounting and Auditing” “Finance” “Economics” 0 “Management a nd Marketing”
EDUCATIONAL - METHODICAL BASE 5B – Accounting and Auditing 5B – Economics 5B – Finance 5B – Management 5B State and local management 5B – Marketing 5B – Logistics 6М – Accounting and Auditing 6М – Economics 6М – Finance 6M – Management 6M State and local management 6M – Marketing 6M Innovation management 6M Project management 6D – Accounting and Auditing 6D – Economics 6D Innovation management 6D – Project management 6D Logistics (by branches) Bachelor Master PhD
"Global information resources as an analytical tool of improving the efficiency of education and research studies of Kazakhstan" G. Mutanov
At the Al-Farabi KazNU High School of Economics and Business are developed a nd implemented a set of measures for the development of the systemic nature of t he HSEB research activities via transformation into a research university, where is a close link between education, science and innovation, corresponding to the main areas of the Strategy of development of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and the Strategy The basic principles of the organization of research work
Research and development of financial and economic mechanisms of dev elopment of the national econ omy’s spheres, the problems of financial capital formation in Kazakhstan; problems of s ustainable economic growth, risk management; investment management and innovation; Anticrisis Management Improving management and ma rketing in the conditions of mar ket economy and globalization, ensuring effective public mana gement of the economy, the pro blems of local government and self-government; management of labor and social processes; p roblems of development of busi ness; theory and practice of ma rketing; macrologistical system s development issues in Kazakh stan Macroeconomic analysis and forecasting of development of the national economy in term s of globalization, economic, legal, social and environment al aspects of effective develo pment of the national econom y in the context of globalizati on; problems of sustainable e conomic growth; problems of income differentiation in Kazakhstan Development of the financial, managerial and tax accounting, improvement of methodology and organization of accounting, auditing and analysis of econ omic activities of organization s in the Republic of Kazakhsta n, improvement of accounting and auditing in the transition t o International Financial Repo rting Standards Main directions of scientific activiti es of the HSEB
Title Department Chief Student Scientific Society of Financiers Qarzhyger Sovremennoe upravlenie Logistics Matketing agency Zamanaui baskaru Analytics Molodoi buhgalter Molodoi auditor Innovacialyk ekonomika 21 gasyr ekonomisti Finance Management and Marketing Accounting and Auditing Accounting and Auditing Accounting and Auditing Economics Sadykhanova D.A. Kupeshova B.K. Alikbayeva A.B. Belgozhakyzy M. Seidaliyeva D.A. Zhumagaziyeva A.G. Kupenova Z.K. Zhunisova G.E. Tovma N.A. Kystaubayeva A.K. Beisenbayev Z.T. SRWS of HSEB
Breakthrough department projects of HSEB Center of innovation business Exchange trader Training Center Certifie d Accountants Centre training project managers EconomicsFinance“Accounting and Auditing” “Management an d Marketing”
The international cooperation Academic mobility of stude nts and undergraduates International Projects The arrival of foreign scientists Overseas internsh ip of staff
04 Scientific Projects and Researches Improvement of methods of evaluation and regional level control of life population in single-industry towns of Kazakhstan Estimation of total factor productivity of industry in K azakhstan Precarization of employment as a fundamental theoretical and practical problems in the context of becoming one of the 30 advanced countries in the world Improving the competitiveness of the national econom y on the basis of the effective implementation of indust rial policy Research and forecasting of real interdependence of financ ial and socio-economic indicators of Kazakhstan and other countries in the context of the Eurasian economic integratio n Innovative mechanisms for the modernization of publi c of Local Government in the Republic of Kazakhstan Alzhanova N.Sh. Dulambayeva R.T. Dzhumambayev S.K. Bordousov O.V. Mukhamediyev B.M. Mukhtarova K.S
Development of the knowledge-based economy in th e Republic of Kazakhstan: theory, methodology, pra ctice Sustainable development of innovative high-tech ind ustries based on the use of the concept of open inno vation Influence of accession of the Republic of Kazakhsta n to the World Trade Organization on the innovative development of agriculture Improving energy efficiency in Kazakhstan during th e transition to a green economy: theory and practical implementation measures Institutional modernization of social and labor relation s in Kazakhstan in the transition to a new technologic al order Improving risk - management at the enterprises of ele ctric power industry of Kazakhstan Sagiyeva R.K. Tleppayev A.M. Sansyzbayeva H.N. Sadykhanova G.A. Tulegenova M.S. Alzhanova N.S Scientific Projects and Researches
Social - Educational Activity
Events for prevention smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction «100 kitap» 1 st year students cere mony «KazNU Green Campus» 5 Cult of a healthy body «Ainalandy nurlandyr» Events