Lesson # 21 Building an Enriched Vocabulary
Kudos (noun) The honor or acclaim that results from some noteworthy achievement or position.
Lackadaisical (adj.) Sorely lacking in spirit, energy, or purpose.
Legacy (n) Something left to a person in a will; something handed down from the past.
Liability (n) A debt or obligation, especially of a financial nature. A hindrance or handicap.
Libel (noun & verb) Noun- A public statement or picture that damages a person by falsely defaming his character, motives, or actions. Verb- To slander publicly.
Litigation (noun) Legal action; a lawsuit
Lucid (adj.) Clear and intelligible to the understanding; mentally competent.
Lucrative (adj.) Profitable.
Lurk (verb) To sneak; to lie hidden or in wait.
Lush (adj.) Plentiful, luxurious, opulent. Over elaborate or overripe.
Malapropism (noun) An unconscious and usually silly misuse of a word.
Malice (noun) A desire to cause harm or suffering; deep-seated ill will.
Mammoth (noun & adj.) Noun- An extinct form of elephant; a giant Adj.- Gigantic
Mandatory (adj.) Required, obligatory.
Medium (noun) The way by which some goal is achieved or the person through whom it is realized.