ALTRUISTIC Unselfish Concerned with the welfare of others
AMBIVALENT Having opposite and conflicting feelings about someone or something
To admit; yield; give in
Brief and compact
DIDACTIC Teaching instructional
Steadiness of effort; persistent hard work
epitome A perfect example A part which represents a whole
Calmness, composure, refusal to panic
fractious Tending to be troublesome, unruly, quarrelsome, contrary, irritable
Composed of different kinds, diverse
indifference Having a neutral or unbiased disposition Not interested in or concerned about
Not showing distinction; unable to tell the difference between; not making careful choices
indolent Lazy Avoiding exertion Indulging in ease
Written material defaming a person; material published without just cause; slander
misanthrope One who hates mankind
One who takes advantage of any opportunity to achieve an end, often with no regard for principles or consequences.
permeate To pass through, esp. of fluids; To spread or pervade (adj. form is permeable)
To persist in a course of action in spite of counter influences
relevancy Relevance Pertinence Reference to the case in hand
Meager, insufficient