Legislative Update February 2015 WCOMO
2015 – 2017 Budget
State Budget Timeline Jan 12Legislative session begins – 105 days long Feb 19Revenue forecast March 11House of origin cutoff Late MarchSenate and House each propose a budget AprilConference budget debated April 15Opposite house cutoff April 26Regular session ends July 1New fiscal year starts
Highlight on Bills Immunizations: Improving Community Immunity Workforce Shortage: Expand State Loan Repayment Program Promote Behavioral Health Integration in Primary Care Affordable Coverage: Evaluate Affordability and Continuity of Coverage
Public Dialogue on Immunizations Current measles outbreak has sparked public dialogue about the importance of immunizations Issues before the legislature: –Removing philosophical exemption to vaccines for school entry (HB 2009) –Funding for vaccines for CHP –Providing vaccine resources to expecting parents (SB 5143)
Expand State Loan Repayment Program Requesting $8M to restore the program back to pre-2011 levels 2 pieces of legislation recognize importance of program –HB 1080 – sponsored by Rep. Paul Harris (R) –SB 5010 – sponsored by Sen. David Frockt (D) Coalition of supporters, including medical, dental, nurses and hospital associations
Promote Behavioral Health Integration in Primary Care WA is moving towards financial integration of physical, mental health and chemical dependency by 2020 King County envisions delivery system integration starting with the Mental Health Integration Program in primary care settings –Front load costs of care coordinators and psychiatric consultation –Estimated cost of $11.9M –Proven model
Evaluate Affordability & Continuity of Coverage Many barriers still prevent people from obtaining health insurance including churn and affordability HB 1669 would help better us understand these barriers by: –Creating a Continuity of Coverage task force –Procuring a study to evaluate affordability, churn, and availability.
Budget Discussions for HBE HBE has asked the legislature to lift the original $80 million/biennium cap on their budget –HBE has requested $147 million Importance of Special Enrollment Period Many discussions to come
Save Health Care in WA Clinic Cards in 2015 Over 21,000 people have signed cards addressed to their legislators via the clinic card program 151 participating clinics from across the state
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Questions? Carrie Glover, WithinReach Katie Hewitt, Community Health Network of WA