BETHEL SCHOOL DISTRICT FY Budget Public Hearing 7/28/15 1
Transportation Vehicle Fund 2
Transportation Vehicle Fund Significant Changes 3 Budget allows for purchase of approximately 19 buses 9 small approximately $60K each 10 regular approximately $100K each (or 9 propane approximately $120K each) Budget matches revenue with small contingency
Capital Projects Fund 4
Capital Projects Fund Significant Changes 5 Technology levy Est $4.4 million collected from $4.5 million levy Declining state funding Eligible projects completing Decreased investment earnings No more bond sales until new authorization
Capital Projects Fund List of Projects 6
Debt Service Fund 7
Debt Service Fund Significant Changes 8 Flat estimated tax rate ($1.87/thousand) Assumed Assessed Value increase 3%
Associated Student Body 9
Associated Student Body Significant Changes 10 The ASB Fund budget is comprised of individual budgets by school for the extracurricular benefit of the students. Clubs and activities can only spend funds on hand.
General Fund 11
General Fund Significant Changes (Revenues) 12 Increased M&O levy First full year of increased levy of $8.4 million Increased state apportionment $14.0 million due to increased MSOCs, funding factors Increased special education funding $1.5 million due to increased MSOCs, funding factors Increased federal funding $1.0 million Dept of Defense grant
General Fund Significant Changes (Expenditures) 13 Increased regular instruction Added certificated staff Salary and benefit increases Curriculum adoption Increased other instructional Salary and benefit increases Increased special services Increased administration Salary and benefit increases Elementary AAs, Assist Principals Increased support services Salary and benefit increases Increased HR, warehouse, technology staff Increased insurance, utilities
General Fund Changes from 6/23/15 preliminary 14
General Fund Significant Changes (from 6/23/15) 15 Increase in apportionment Additional state ADK schools (all except Elk Plain) Increased health care allocation ($780 from $768) Funding for reduced K-3 class sizes Increase in regular instruction Added elementary teachers to reduce class size Increased health care contributions Increase in other instruction Increased health care contributions
General Fund Ending Fund Balance 16
Ending Fund Balance Significant Changes 17 $1.6 million increase of Restricted Balance Art Crate field contribution transferred to CPF Added laptop lease liability, comp absences liability $0.9 million increase of Assigned Balance $0.7 million budgeted school carryover funds $0.2 million increase budgeted curriculum adoption Ending fund balance at 7.6% of expenditures