Lamprey Class: Agatha Petromyzon marinus Nickname: Lamprey The Lamprey is a cold blooded jaw less fish. That has 4 heart chambers and it internally fertilizes. The lamprey is pretty much like the leech they suck dry the fish for blood. A fun fact is that they can live for 25 years and have 125 sharp knife teeth.
Shark Class:Chondricthyes Elasmobrachill Nick name: Shark The Shark is cold blooded 3 heart chamber fish. There are over 350 species of sharks. The shark reproduces internally and usually one embryo at a time.
Gold Fish Class:Osteichthyes Carassius Auratus Nick name: Gold Fish The goldfish is cold blooded and has 3 heart chambers. they have acute eye sight also have a swimming bladder and have hollow bones so it makes it easier for them to swim. A Fun fact is the goldfish can live up to 25 years and there are 25,000 kinds of gold fish. They also have 3 second memories.
Frog Class: Amphibia Occidozyga Lima Nick name frog The frog is cold blooded and has 4 heart chambers. Frogs start out as tad poles then move from water to land. Some fun facts are that frogs have teeth and ears.
Alligator Class: Reptilia Alligator mississippiensis Nick name Alligator The Alligator is a warm- blooded mammal with 4 heart chambers and the reproduce externally. Alligators will eat any thing they are successful 80 % off the time trying to catch there pray.
Penguins Class: Aves Chordate Nick name: Penguin Penguins are warm blooded 2 heart chamber aves they reproduce internally. A penguin can live up to 30 years. They mainly eat fish, skid, krill, and crab. The male has to raise and hatch the egg they have to stand with the egg between there legs for 3 months and live of there own fat.
Monkey Class: Mammalla Ateles geoffroyi Nick name : Monkey The monkey is a warm blooded mammal that has 4 heart chambers and internally reproduces. A monkey can live up to 45 years they mainly eat fruits and plants and there are 264 species of monkeys.