Nicademous was under holy conviction About the kingdom of heaven and the holy prediction v1.


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Presentation transcript:

Nicademous was under holy conviction About the kingdom of heaven and the holy prediction v1

By night he came to the Lord Jesus And asked, How can I obtain eternal life v1

Jesus answered, I say unto you Verily verily I tell you the truth v1

You must be born again You must be born again You must be born again Marvel not ch

Steven was a man with the face of an angel He served the good Lord with his heart very well v2

He preached the gospel and was condemned to die Then heaven’s door opened wide v2

Jesus stood up from His heavenly throne Stretched forth His hand And said, It's time to come home v2

You must be born again You must be born again You must be born again Marvel not ch

A lame man lay at a gate called Beautiful Most all the day long begging for change v3

Peter said, Silver and gold have I not But arise and walk in Jesus’ name v3

People it’s time to recognize The only way to the Father is through Jesus Christ v3

You must be born again You must be born again You must be born again Marvel not ch