Climate Database Modernization Program (CDMP) Data Collections Being Keyed that Contain Surface Pressure Joe Elms Program Manager
NOAA’s Climate Database Modernization Program (CDMP ) Primary Goal: Digitize and preserve historical climate and environmental data and make them easily accessible via the Internet 50 NOAA tasks supported by CDMP FY 2005 funding Task Selection based on an Annual Proposal Process
Records being Keyed Under CDMP Surface Airways Observations (SAO); stations keyed City Office 1001 forms ;1893-to beginning of SAO 166 stations keyed Forts (Army Signal Service) ; stations keyed SAO; stations keyed
’28 – ’48 Complete " " , ’65 –’ / ’65 –’81 only Remaining Priority Overall PICS Status ( current as of 30 Sep 2005)
New Orleans June 4, 1810 April, 1843