BIT 116:JavaScript
A few useful (binary) HTML tags: h1 –Level 1 header: big and bold p –Paragraph (enforces line space before/after) b –bold i –italic BIT 116: Scripting2
3 Due Dates Due today: –Chapter 2 Reading Quiz In-class: ICE 2 (spans today & next class) Due next lecture: –Nothing Due in a week (Wed, Oct 12) –Assignment 1 –Chapter 3 Reading Quiz
BIT 116: Scripting4 Today (and beyond) Data Types –concatenation vs addition –parseInt(), parseFloat(), and isNaN() document.getElementById() Forms –purpose (server- vs client-side) –basic structure –using JavaScript with forms –.value –validation (easily circumvented, but useful) –String emptiness, equality –.innerHTML
BIT 116: Scripting5 Semi-colons Don’t forget them – they’re required for this class!! –alert(“Hello from BIT 116!”);