Document 3 Better for Everyone
RARPA stageRARPA EvidenceBfE stage / evidence 1Aim(s) appropriate to an individual learner or groups of learners Clearly stated aim(s) for all programmes [ How has this been established and evidenced?] Aim, need and stakeholders identified in tutor & organisational self assessment. Relevant wider equality outcomes identified and included in course outline om/better-for-everyone-resources- and-learning/
RARPA stageRARPA EvidenceBfE stage / evidence 2Initial assessment to establish learners starting point Record of outcomes of process of establishing learners’ starting points Wider equality outcomes included in initial assessment activities
The pictures that follow can be adapted for any initial or formative assessment or classroom activity, where the course can be related to people. For arts and crafts you may need examples of that art form from different regions, countries, men and women artists etc. Learners on BfE training sessions can be asked to make connections between the pictures and a wide range of subjects.
Ask students who this is – or to make a guess from the picture. Ask students to describe the picture. For maths this can lead to looking at maths in Olympic/paralympic medal tables – with discussion of which countries dominate which sports and why.
Can students identify the different religious symbols? This could be used for RE, poetry, history, design or even in a mathematics lesson. Pythagoras had a world view completely aligned to religion. In Philosophy – Aristotle, Plato Descartes etc – all had arguments about the existence of God.
This picture could be a lead in to discuss the changing nature of families through history. It could be used for a politics discussion on the significance of Obama’s election, will it ever happen here, parliamentary representation. (women, men, disabled people, different ethnicities, gay or lesbian MP’s etc)
Could be used to write a poem or piece of prose about multicultural Britain, globalisation, changing societies etc. Could be about the relationships between religions.
Can be used for history, politics, English and many more. There are materials ready for use on the BfE website. See ‘Human Rights’ folder/ link
Ask students what this picture means? Direct or indirect discussions of equality can be brought into anthropology with a bit of imagination!
RARPA stageRARPA EvidenceBfE stage / evidence 3Identification of appropriately challenging learning objectives (initial, renegotiated and revised) Clearly stated and suitably challenging objectives for all programmes and, wherever feasible, individually for each learner Initial wider equality outcomes negotiated and revised if needed and any individual wider equality outcomes added to ILP
RARPA stageRARPA EvidenceBfE stage / evidence 4 Recognition and recording of progress and achievement during programme (formative assessment), including tutor feedback to learners, learner reflection, progress reviews Examples of appropriate evidence includes: Records of learner self-assessment, group and peer assessment, tutor records of assessment activities and individual or group progress and achievement. Learners’ files, journals, diaries, portfolios, artwork, videos, audiotapes, performances, exhibitions and displays, individual or group learner testimony, artefacts, photographs and other forms of evidence Same as RARPA evidence The golden thread of evidence of wider equalities outcomes should run through this too
RARPA stageRARPA Evidence BfE stage / evidence 5 End-of-programme learner self-assessment, tutor summative assessment, review of overall progress and achievement in relation to appropriately challenging learning objectives identified at the beginning or during the programme. It may include recognition of learning outcomes not specified during the programme As per stage 4 Plus tutor course report Student evaluation forms As per RARPA stage 4 & 5 Learning manager or organiser to complete stakeholder and impact map cognising-recording-progress-achievement-july-2005.pdf Table adapted from: