ENGR-44_Lec-06-2_Inductors.ppt 1 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis Bruce Mayer, PE Licensed Electrical & Mechanical Engineer Engineering 43 Chp 6.2 Inductors
ENGR-44_Lec-06-2_Inductors.ppt 2 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis Capacitance & Inductance Introduce Two Energy STORING Devices Capacitors Inductors Outline Capacitors –Store energy in their ELECTRIC field (electrostatic energy) –Model as circuit element Inductors –Store energy in their MAGNETIC field –Model as circuit element Capacitor And Inductor Combinations –Series/parallel combinations of elements RC OP-AMP Circuits –Electronic Integration & Differentiation
ENGR-44_Lec-06-2_Inductors.ppt 3 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis The Inductor Second of the Energy-Storage Devices Basic Physical Model: Details of Physical Operation Described in PHYS 4B or ENGR45 Note the Use of the PASSIVE Sign Convention Ckt Symbol
ENGR-44_Lec-06-2_Inductors.ppt 4 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis Physical Inductor Inductors are Typically Fabricated by Winding Around a Magnetic (e.g., Iron) Core a LOW Resistance Wire Applying to the Terminals a TIME VARYING Current Results in a “Back EMF” voltage at the connection terminals Some Real Inductors
ENGR-44_Lec-06-2_Inductors.ppt 5 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis Inductance Defined From Physics, recall that a time varying magnetic flux, , Induces a voltage Thru the Induction Law Where the Constant of Proportionality, L, is called the INDUCTANCE L is Measured in Units of “Henrys”, H 1H = 1 Vs/Amp Inductors STORE electromagnetic energy They May Supply Stored Energy Back To The Circuit, But They CANNOT CREATE Energy For a Linear Inductor The Flux Is Proportional To The Current Thru it
ENGR-44_Lec-06-2_Inductors.ppt 6 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis Inductance Sign Convention Inductors Cannot Create Energy; They are PASSIVE Devices All Passive Devices Must Obey the Passive Sign Convention
ENGR-44_Lec-06-2_Inductors.ppt 7 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis Inductor Circuit Operation Recall the Circuit Representation Separating the Variables and Integrating Yields the INTEGRAL form Previously Defined the Differential Form of the Induction Law In a development Similar to that used with caps, Integrate − to t 0 for an Alternative integral Law
ENGR-44_Lec-06-2_Inductors.ppt 8 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis Inductor Model Implications From the Differential Law Observe That if i L is not Continuous, di L /dt → , and v L must also → This is NOT physically Possible Thus i L must be continuous Consider Now the Alternative Integral law If i L is constant, say i L (t 0 ), then The Integral MUST be ZERO, and hence v L MUST be ZERO This is DC Steady-State Inductor Behavior –v L = 0 at DC –i.e; the Inductor looks like a SHORT CIRCUIT to DC Potentials
ENGR-44_Lec-06-2_Inductors.ppt 9 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis Inductor: Power and Energy From the Definition of Instantaneous Power Time Integrate Power to Find the Energy (Work) Subbing for the Voltage by the Differential Law Units Analysis J = H x A 2 Again By the Chain Rule for Math Differentiation Energy Stored on Time Interval Energy Stored on an Interval Can be POSITIVE or NEGATIVE
ENGR-44_Lec-06-2_Inductors.ppt 10 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis Inductor: P & W cont. In the Interval Energy Eqn Let at time t 1 Then To Arrive At The Stored Energy at a later given time, t Thus Observe That the Stored Energy is ALWAYS Positive In ABSOLUTE Terms as i L is SQUARED ABSOLUTE-POSITIVE-ONLY Energy-Storage is Characteristic of a PASSIVE ELEMENT 0)( tLi L )( 2 1 )( 2 t tw L
ENGR-44_Lec-06-2_Inductors.ppt 11 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis Example Given The i L Current WaveForm, Find v L for L = 10 mH The Derivative of a Line is its SLOPE, m The Differential Reln Then the Slopes And the v L Voltage
ENGR-44_Lec-06-2_Inductors.ppt 12 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis Example Power & Energy The Energy Stored between 2 & 4 mS The Value Is Negative Because The Inductor SUPPLIES Energy PREVIOUSLY STORED with a Magnitude of 2 μJ The Energy Eqn Running the No.s
ENGR-44_Lec-06-2_Inductors.ppt 13 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis Student Exercise Let’s Turn on the Lights for 5-7 minutes to allow YOU to solve an INTEGRAL Reln Problem Given The Voltage Wave Form Across L Then Find i L For L = 0.1 H i(0) = 2A t > 0
ENGR-44_Lec-06-2_Inductors.ppt 14 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis Numerical Example Given The Voltage Wave Form Across L, Find i L if L = 0.1 H i(0) = 2A The PieceWise Function The Integral Reln A Line Followed by A Constant; Plotting
ENGR-44_Lec-06-2_Inductors.ppt 15 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis Numerical Example - Energy The Current Characteristic The Initial Stored Energy The Energy Eqn The “Total Stored Energy” Energy Stored on Interval Can be POS or NEG Energy Stored between 0-2 → Consistent with Previous Calculation
ENGR-44_Lec-06-2_Inductors.ppt 16 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis Example Notice That the ABSOLUTE Energy Stored At Any Given Time Is Non Negative (by sin 2 ) i.e., The Inductor Is A PASSIVE Element- Find The Voltage Across And The Energy Stored (As Function Of Time) For The Energy Stored
ENGR-44_Lec-06-2_Inductors.ppt 17 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis L = 10 mH; Find the Voltage
ENGR-44_Lec-06-2_Inductors.ppt 18 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis L = 5 mH; Find the Voltage
ENGR-44_Lec-06-2_Inductors.ppt 19 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis C & L Specifications Capacitors Standard Range 1 pF to 50 mF (50000 µF) Working (DC) Voltage Range Vdc Standard Tolerances –± 5% –± 10% –± 20% Inductors Standard Range 1 nH to 100 mH Current Rating 10mA-1A Standard Tolerances –± 5% –± 10% As Wire Coils, Inductors also have a RESISTANCE Specification
ENGR-44_Lec-06-2_Inductors.ppt 20 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis Cap Spec Sensitivity Given The Voltage Waveform Find the Current Variation Due to Cap Spec Tolerance Use VOLTAGE WAVEFORM dt dv Cti C )( 240 mA
ENGR-44_Lec-06-2_Inductors.ppt 21 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis Ind Spec Sensitivity Given The Current Waveform Find the Voltage Variation Due to L Spec-Tolerance Use CURRENT WAVEFORM
ENGR-44_Lec-06-2_Inductors.ppt 22 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis WhiteBoard Work Let’s Work This Problem Find: v(t), t max for i max, t min for v min
ENGR-44_Lec-06-2_Inductors.ppt 23 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis By MATLAB % Bruce Mayer, PE * 14Mar10 % ENGR43 * Inductor_Lec_WhtBd_Prob_1003.m % t = linspace(0, 1); % iLn = 2*t; iexp = exp(-4*t); plot(t, iLn, t, iexp), grid disp('Showing Plot - Hit ANY KEY to Continue') pause % i = 2*t.*exp(-4*t); plot(t, iLn, t, iexp, t, i),grid disp('Showing Plot - Hit ANY KEY to Continue') pause plot(t, i), grid disp('Showing Plot - Hit ANY KEY to Continue') pause vL_uV =100*exp(-4*t).*(1-4*t); plot(t, vL_uV) i_mA = i*1000; plot(t, vL_uV, t, i_mA), grid disp('Showing Plot - Hit ANY KEY to Continue') pause % % find mins with fminbnd [t_vLmin vLmin] = 100*exp(-4*t).*(1-4*t), 0,1) % must "turn over" current to create a minimum i_mA_TO = -i*1000; plot(t, i_mA_TO), grid disp('Showing Plot - Hit ANY KEY to Continue') pause [t_iLmin iLmin_TO] = -1000*(2*t.*exp(-4*t)), 0,1); t_iLmin iLmin = -iLmin_TO plot(t, vL_uV, t, i_mA, t_vLmin, vLmin, 'p', t_iLmin,iLmin,'p'), grid
ENGR-44_Lec-06-2_Inductors.ppt 24 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis By MATLAB % Bruce Mayer, PE * 14Mar10 % ENGR43 * Inductor_Lec_WhtBd_Prob_1003.m % t = linspace(0, 1); % iLn = 2*t; iexp = exp(-4*t); plot(t, iLn, t, iexp), grid disp('Showing Plot - Hit ANY KEY to Continue') pause % i = 2*t.*exp(-4*t); plot(t, iLn, t, iexp, t, i),grid disp('Showing Plot - Hit ANY KEY to Continue') pause plot(t, i), grid disp('Showing Plot - Hit ANY KEY to Continue') pause vL_uV =100*exp(-4*t).*(1-4*t); plot(t, vL_uV) i_mA = i*1000; plot(t, vL_uV, t, i_mA), grid disp('Showing Plot - Hit ANY KEY to Continue') pause % % find mins with fminbnd [t_vLmin vLmin] = 100*exp(-4*t).*(1-4*t), 0,1) % must "turn over" current to create a minimum i_mA_TO = -i*1000; plot(t, i_mA_TO), grid disp('Showing Plot - Hit ANY KEY to Continue') pause [t_iLmin iLmin_TO] = -1000*(2*t.*exp(-4*t)), 0,1); t_iLmin iLmin = -iLmin_TO plot(t, vL_uV, t, i_mA, t_vLmin, vLmin, 'p', t_iLmin,iLmin,'p'), grid
ENGR-44_Lec-06-2_Inductors.ppt 25 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis
ENGR-44_Lec-06-2_Inductors.ppt 26 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis
ENGR-44_Lec-06-2_Inductors.ppt 27 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis