Achievement Attainment and Progress What evidence will you need?
Two kinds of information 1. The overall attainment and progress of pupils with SEN compared with their peers without SEN, measured at the end of the school year and at the end of a key stage. 2. The average gains made by pupils who took part in a specific intervention, using ‘before’ and ‘after’ measures.
Overall attainment and progress End of year or end of key stage data is already available for all pupils in all schools. Someone can provide you with this information. You don’t have to collect any additional information. Your role is to do the thinking about what the data means.
Reforms to the assessment and accountability framework for schools Primary Schools Reception Baseline – this will be voluntary in 2015 and ‘expected’ in The reception baseline will be the only measure used to assess progress for children at the end of KS2. Early Years Foundation Profile no longer be compulsory – from September 2016.
Primary Schools (Contd.) End of KS1 Teacher assessment in maths and reading will be informed by externally-set, internally-marked tests. An externally-set test in grammar, punctuation and spelling which will help to inform the teacher assessment of writing. The tests will be expressed as a scaled score. Teacher assessment of speaking and listening and science will continue. In autumn 2014, new performance descriptors will be introduced to inform statutory teacher assessments at the end of KS1.
Primary Schools (Contd.) End of KS2 Pupils will continue to sit externally-set and marked tests in maths, reading, and grammar, punctuation and spelling. These will be used for school performance measures from 2016 onwards. There will continue to be teacher assessment in maths, reading, writing and science to give a broader picture of children’s attainment.
KS2 (Contd.) New performance descriptors will be introduced to inform the statutory teacher assessments at the end of KS2. A sample of pupils will continue to sit tests in science to give a picture of national performance. The results of the tests in reading; mathematics; and, grammar, punctuation and spelling will be reported to parents and pupils as scaled scores.
Low attaining pupils There will be a small minority of pupils for whom assessment arrangements under the national curriculum will not be appropriate. All pupils who are not able to access the relevant end of key stage test will continue to have their attainment assessed by teachers. P Scales will be retained for reporting teachers’ judgements For pupils working above the P-Scales but below the level of the test, they will let teachers know how to assess attainment!
Secondary Schools Progress across a suite of 8 subjects – to show whether pupils have performed better than expected at KS4 considering their starting points. KS2 results will be used to predict each pupil’s likely grade across 8 subjects at the end of KS4. Attainment across 8 subjects – school’s average grade across the same suite of 8 subjects as the progress measure. The % of pupils achieving a C grade or better in English and maths. The EBacc – the % of pupils who achieve good grades in a range of academic subjects.
Low Attaining Pupils Recognition that around 1.2% of pupils will not be recognised in the Progress 8 measure. Policy not finalised on this issue. Need a consistent approach across both primary and secondary. Mention of the possibility of the P-scales.