A different kind of grant program USDA funded to expand and extend knowledge about sustainable agriculture Regionally administered Participatory Inclusive Systems approach
Southern SARE 13 states, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands Almost $3 million annually
Southern SARE Structure Host Institutions Ft. Valley State University University of Georgia Administrative Council Technical Review Committee
Sustainable Agriculture Provides more profitable farm income Protects farm environment and natural resources Promotes stable, prosperous rural communities
7 Grant Opportunities Research and Education Grants Research and Education Planning Grants Professional Development Grants Graduate Student Grants Producer Grants On-Farm Research Grants Sustainable Community Innovation Grants
Sustainable Community Innovation Grants Link sustainable agriculture activities to healthy community development Co-funded by Southern Rural Development Center
Farm laborers in Florida Investigating a living wage
Texas students Agricultural magnet center to train youth for agricultural careers Bilingual outreach
Kentucky leadership training Preparing women in agriculture for new leadership roles in policy making
Successful proposals Link community and farms Link sustainable agriculture and rural development
Linking community and farm All-Ozark Meals Chefs and farmers 1000 people served
Mentoring in Alabama Local churches unite for rural development Farmer trainers pass along a lifetime of learning Black Belt Farmers Cooperative
For more information: (770)