Money Matters!Money Matters! By Jake S.
For the money matters project, my three cities were Lakewood, Colorado, Lansing, Michigan, and New York City, New York. the salary for Lakewood was $60,000 dollars a year. the salary for New York was $99,000. but Michigan’s salary was only $52,000. My grandma lives in NY, and we live in Michigan.
I created this graph on Microsoft Excel.
Concluding… I’ve researched and researched and my final project choice is...
Why? Because… 1. my grandma lives in New York 2. my mom’s good friend lives in New York city 3. My salary is A whopping $99,000 a year! 4. it has broadway! 5. I could get some good exercise walking.
Why not Lansing or Lakewood? Well, I live in Michigan, so I COULD live in Michigan then, but as I said, it only is $52,00 a year. A little over HALF of my New York salary! And Colorado is my last choice, where the salary is only $60 k a year. If you add my Colorado and Michigan salary per year, it only equals up to be $112,000- only $13k more than 1 New York job! Although in Colorado there are GREAT skiing mountains. Always remember folks, even though you should work a lot, there should always be time to fit in a little fun.
Here are the resources I used. ab&q=what+county+is+lakewood+colorado+in&oq= what+county+is+lake&gs_l=hp.1.2.0l2j0i20j j13j les%3B c.1.tKUFPYbKQDg&pbx=1&bav= on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv ,d. aWM&fp=93a0003da &bpcl= &biw =1280&bih=