Linking Economic Accounts to the River Basin based on: “Integrated river basin accounting in the Netherlands and the European Water Framework Directive” (Brouwer et al, Statistical J. of the UNECE )
Outline Water Framework Directive and Hybrid accountsWater Framework Directive and Hybrid accounts How to link the Regional Economic Accounts to the River BasinsHow to link the Regional Economic Accounts to the River Basins Country experiencesCountry experiences NetherlandsNetherlands SwedenSweden AustraliaAustralia
WFD and Hybrid Accounts WFD: increase in demand for water-related dataWFD: increase in demand for water-related data Use Hybrid Accounts which provide information onUse Hybrid Accounts which provide information on - Intensity of water use by branches of industry - Intensity of water use by branches of industry - The physical flows of supply of water services - The physical flows of supply of water services - Production costs of water services - Production costs of water services - Environmental taxes related to water - Environmental taxes related to water -at National and River Basin level
Dutch River Basins As Rhine covers 70% of Dutch territory is split-up 4 sub-regions: North, East, West and Centre
River Basins vs Regional Economic Accounts
Regional Economic Accounts 12 Provinces12 Provinces 40 Administrative Regions or COROP40 Administrative Regions or COROP Each COROP region consists of several municipalitiesEach COROP region consists of several municipalities 512 Municipalities512 Municipalities Regional accounts are at COROP levelRegional accounts are at COROP level Focus on the production process in each unit, in the various regionsFocus on the production process in each unit, in the various regions
Assigning Regional Accounts to River Basins (1) ECONOMIC DATA 23 Regional Accounts fall directly within a specific River Basin23 Regional Accounts fall directly within a specific River Basin Other 17 overlap: economic data allocated based on estimated percentage of employees working in a specific River BasinOther 17 overlap: economic data allocated based on estimated percentage of employees working in a specific River Basin Reason: no economic data available at individual company levelReason: no economic data available at individual company levelMethod: Identify specific branches of industry in these COROPsIdentify specific branches of industry in these COROPs Identify number of employees in these branchesIdentify number of employees in these branches Identify municipalities where these business units are locatedIdentify municipalities where these business units are located If municipalities fall into 2 River Basins: Postal codesIf municipalities fall into 2 River Basins: Postal codes If single postal code falls into 2 River Basins: business units and employees are allocated based on area of the postal code falling in that River BasinIf single postal code falls into 2 River Basins: business units and employees are allocated based on area of the postal code falling in that River Basin
Assigning Regional Accounts to River Basins (2) EMISSION DATA Supplied by Regional Emission Registration (level of individual plants)Supplied by Regional Emission Registration (level of individual plants) If location of activity does not correspond with location of emission source, emissions are allocated to location of activityIf location of activity does not correspond with location of emission source, emissions are allocated to location of activity WATER DATA (ABSTRACTION AND RETURNS) National Water Survey conducted every 5 yearsNational Water Survey conducted every 5 years 7500 businesses7500 businesses
Sweden WATER DATA (ABSTRACTION AND RETURNS) Allocation of 289 municipality data to 8 River Basins, using GIS (Geographical information system)Allocation of 289 municipality data to 8 River Basins, using GIS (Geographical information system) 119 entirely within specific River Basin119 entirely within specific River Basin 165 intersected with only minor part or all major urban areas located within a River Basin165 intersected with only minor part or all major urban areas located within a River Basin 5 were disaggregated based on population percentages in urban areas5 were disaggregated based on population percentages in urban areas Survey on Manufacturing industry and Municipal Waste Water Treatment Plants leading to data for 114 drainage basinsSurvey on Manufacturing industry and Municipal Waste Water Treatment Plants leading to data for 114 drainage basins Abstracted water for own use by households not connected to the public network estimated using real estate register litre/dayAbstracted water for own use by households not connected to the public network estimated using real estate register litre/day
Australia AGRICULTURAL WATER USE Area-weighted-concordance method used to provide estimates on agricultural use at River Basin levelArea-weighted-concordance method used to provide estimates on agricultural use at River Basin level Agricultural census provides estimates on irrigated area by type of crop (hectares)Agricultural census provides estimates on irrigated area by type of crop (hectares) Calculate water use per hectare per cropCalculate water use per hectare per crop Calculate Total Agricultural Water Use per Statistical Local AreaCalculate Total Agricultural Water Use per Statistical Local Area Compare maps of Statistical Local Areas and River Basins: allocate water use based on percentage of overlap of SLA with RBCompare maps of Statistical Local Areas and River Basins: allocate water use based on percentage of overlap of SLA with RB
Comparison of approaches COROP (NL) vsCOROP (NL) vs municipality level (Sweden) vs Statistical Local Area (AUS) Employees (NL) vsEmployees (NL) vs inhabitants (Sweden) vs area (AUS) Different country-specific circumstances
Results (Netherlands) Distribution of economic value added generated in the various river basins in the Netherlands Distribution of economic value added generated in the various river basins in the Netherlands
GDP and environmental indicators: national (NL) Suggests that water is used in a more efficient way
GDP and environmental indicators: SCHELD River Basin (NL)
Water use in 2001 (NL)
Confidentiality (NL) It concerns economic data and water flow dataIt concerns economic data and water flow data Rules:Rules: Sector should consist of at least 3 or more companiesSector should consist of at least 3 or more companies The largest company cannot employ more than 75% of employees in a specific regionThe largest company cannot employ more than 75% of employees in a specific region Largest company in a specific branch of industry cannot employ more than 70% of total freshwater in that regionLargest company in a specific branch of industry cannot employ more than 70% of total freshwater in that region In terms of representation: confidentiality problems are solved by presenting two sectors togetherIn terms of representation: confidentiality problems are solved by presenting two sectors together Example: Water use per River Basin per sector only compiled for 2 largest River Basins due to confidentiality reasons