New Advanced Higher Subject Implementation Events Music: Advanced Higher Course Assessment
Course Assessment at Advanced Higher Course Assessment at National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher assesses Added Value Courses at Advanced Higher are normally assessed by one or two Components Courses at Advanced Higher are graded A – D, as at present Controlled Assessment of setting, conducting and marking For Music there are 2 Components – either a Performance or a Portfolio and a Question Paper No dual running at Advanced Higher in session
Advanced Higher Music Performance The performance is worth 60 marks The candidate will demonstrate: the ability to perform a prepared programme of musically and technically demanding music either solo and/or in a group setting the ability to perform an 18 minute programme on two different instruments, or one instrument and voice (the overall duration must not exceed 20 minutes)
Advanced Higher Music Performance Optional – the other Component is the Portfolio All candidates will sit the Question Paper Provides progression from N5 and Higher Assesses the ability to perform on two different instruments or one instrument and voice 18 minute programme (must not exceed 20 mins), the minimum time on any instrument/voice is 6 minutes No need to have the music prior approved No sampling – performances will be heard in their entirety
Advanced Higher Course Assessment AH Music Concepts Advanced Higher Music will: “give learners an opportunity to demonstrate advanced levels of aural discriminatory ability as well as their knowledge and applied use of musical literacy” and that “learners should demonstrate conceptual knowledge and understanding in sophisticated and challenging contexts” In addition learners will demonstrate “in-depth knowledge of a range of level-specific and other music concepts from other SQCF levels” From AH Music Course Assessment Specification
Advanced Higher Music Question Paper The Question Paper is worth 40 marks “The Question Paper will give learners an opportunity to demonstrate the following skills, knowledge and understanding: advanced levels of aural discriminatory ability in-depth knowledge of a range of level-specific music concepts and concepts from other SCQF levels knowledge and applied use of music literacy” From AH Music Course Assessment Specification
Advanced Higher Music Portfolio The Portfolio is worth 60 marks The candidate will demonstrate: the ability to create original music The Portfolio: will include for each piece an audio recording and a score / performance plan and programme notes/session logs will last for 12 minutes (the overall duration must not exceed 14 minutes) will contain a minimum of two pieces The candidate will demonstrate the ability to create original music The Portfolio: will include for each piece an audio recording and a score / performance plan and programme notes/session logs will last for 12 minutes (the overall duration must not exceed 14 minutes) will contain a minimum of two pieces
Workshop 2 Course Assessment Using the materials provided, in small groups of 2- 3, discuss: Identify subject-specific topics for discussion Workshop Aims To understand the requirements of Advanced Higher Course Assessments