Question- Answer Relationships By: Nicole Cuddeback
What is this? Four types of questioning Right There Think and Search Author and You On my Own
In the Book Question- Right There Literal-fact based question Answer can be found in the text The answer is usually contained in one sentence and is easy to find. Often the same words that make up the answer are found in the question. Question stems often begin with: When is/was... ?Who is/was... ? What is/was... ?Where is/was... ?
In the Book Questions- Think and Search Inferential questions Must use information from text to make connection Put together different parts of story to form answer Question stems often begin with: Contrast Compare Explain What were... ? Summarize
In My Head Questions- Author and You Use prior knowledge and information from the text to form answer Answer is not in the text! The reader must look for clues and evidence (prove the answer with details). Question stems often begin with: How can you conclude... ?How can you tell... ? What biases or beliefs are... ?How do you know... ? Who does_____remind you of... ?
In My Head Questions- On My Own Critical level questions Must use prior knowledge and experience to answer question The reader must use his/her own ideas and opinions to answer the questions. Question stems often begin with: Do you believe... ? How do you know... ? How would you... ? Have you ever... ?
In-the-Book Questions In-My-Head Questions Right There Questions: The answer is in the text. The words used to make up the question and words used to answer the question are found in the same sentence. Author and You Questions: The answer is not in the story. You need to think about what you already know, what the author tells you, and how it fits together. Think and Search: The answer is in the selection, but you need to put together different pieces of information to find it. The answer comes from different places in the selection. On My Own: The answer is not in the text. You can answer the question without even reading the text. The answer is based solely on your own experiences and knowledge. (Information for chart from Santa, Havens, Valdes (2004)
Practice Click on the following link to determine your understandings of Question-Answer Relationships You may use the flashcards, matching or the concentration game
More Practice Click on the following link and take the practice quiz on Question-Answer Relationships You will be presented with questions and you must determine what type of question it is! Question and Answer Practice Quiz
References McKenna, M. (2002). Help for struggling readers. New York: Guilford Press. uestion_answer_relationships.pdf