Let’s Talk About It!
What is Portfolio? A collection of work done by a person to show what they know and can do. The “artifacts” come from projects in class.
Why is it important? Portfolios actually show others real evidence of your learning and abilities. The work needed to put a portfolio together and the thought process you will go through to evaluate and explain your work teaches you skills that are needed for college and your career one day. The process will help you interviews and be confident in whenever you have to present anything, which will happen a lot in life!
What kinds of things will go into my portfolio? Multimedia Presentation ✔ Cover Letter / Introduction Creative Expression Artifact and Reflection Artist’s Biography Research Paper ✔ Workplace Learning Experience Artifact and Reflection Comparative Analysis Paper ✔ UNLOCK Self Assessment Inquiry Project ✔ Collaboration Artifact and Reflection ✔
E-Portfolio You all should have a Google account. If you don’t already, create one today. In Google Drive, create a folder and title it with your first name, last name initial, followed by E-Portfolio. Example: Ariel H. E-Portfolio Once you’ve created your folder, start putting eligible artifacts into it. Eligible artifacts must have a grade of 3 or higher, and may only be from The SAE. Senior teachers will not accept artifacts from other schools.
Artifact Reflection Choose three different artifacts, and complete a reflection using the following questions as your guide. This should be a multi- PARAGRAPH reflection: INTRODUCTION Who are you? What were you like when you started at The SAE? How have you grown / changed? ARTIFACT 1 What was the task? What was your process? What do you think of the product? Which UNLOCK skill(s) did you use to complete this artifact? How can you connect your learning from this project into the real world (in college, career, etc.) ARTIFACT 2 - same ARTIFACT 3 - same