EU human rights policy on indigenous peoples International expert Dialogue on MDG7 8 April 2010
Treaty on European Union According to Article 2, “Union is founded on the value of respect for human dignity […], equality […] and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities” Article 3 Treaty on European Union holds the Union to promote theses values in its relations with the wider world
Indigenous issues as integral part of the EU human rights policy EU has made human rights a central aspect of its external relations EU seeks to integrate human rights including indigenous issues into all aspects of its external policies: political dialogues with third countries action in multilateral fora, e.g., UN development policy and assistance
UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples EU engagement towards indigenous peoples is applied in the context of the 2007 UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Human Rights Dialogues In order to examine Human Rights in greater depth in its bilateral relations, the EU holds human rights dialogues in line with the EU Guidelines on Human Rights Dialogues The EU raises indigenous issues on a regular basis
International Day of the World’s Indigenous People EU Delegations all over the world organise numerous events on or around 9 August, e.g.: meetings with indigenous leaders press conferences press articles participation in seminars visits to projects funded by the EU
Action at UN level EU enjoys observer status at the UN and cooperates with EU Member States to forge common EU positions as well as to reach out to third countries with a view to further improve the human rights situation of indigenous peoples UN Human Rights Council the Social, Humanitarian and Cultural (Third) Committee
Action at UN level (cont.) UN Special Procedures, namely the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous people UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues as key process Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Independent Expert on minority issues Convention on Biological Diversity
EU Cooperation Mainstreaming of indigenous peoples’ issues in cooperation strategies; e.g.: EC Colombia Country Strategy Paper : addresses humanitarian & human rights situation of indigenous population, with key priorities: peace building through the involvement of marginalized citizens in local governance and participatory economy promotion of human rights, good governance and the fight against impunity EC Peru Country Strategy Paper : explicit inclusion of indigenous people in support for modernisation of the State, strengthening good governance and social inclusion
European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights provides wide scope for specific actions in the field of indigenous peoples Projects funded targeted at international organizations, NGOs and indigenous organizations, mainly aimed at (i) supporting indigenous peoples and their representatives in participating in and following up on UN relevant to indigenous peoples (ii) supporting civil society activities aimed at promoting ILO Convention 169 and its principles. E.g., EIDHR supports doCip (Geneva-based Indigenous Peoples’ Centre for Documentation, Research and Information) with a grant of €950,000 for three-year project aiming at enhancing efficiency of different UN processes addressing the rights of indigenous peoples All EIDHR Calls for Proposals, whether global or local, are published at rights/index_en.htm rights/index_en.htm
Enhancement of internal awareness internal quality support process staff training 2008 study on integrating support for promoting the rights and issues of indigenous peoples in EC co-operation with African, Caribbean and Pacific countries (case studies Suriname & Kenya) Ongoing: Civil society mapping in Asia (focus on Nepal), including analysis of role of indigenous peoples organizations within civil society recommendations to the EU Delegation on how to involve such organizations in the EU policy dialogue and programming cycle
Websites European Commission External Relations dex.htm EuropeAid European Commission Delegations b.htm Council of the European Union mode=g European Parliament